Hydraulic oil blown into engine

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    • #30621
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        I recently put a new aftermarket hydraulic valve box an my Jinma 284 and it passed installation and very short trial run. After 3 days of sitting, all hydraulic was dead and fluid was gushing out of the motor when I revved it. As it turned out (thanx much to Affordable Tractor Sales) the gush was hydraulic and came out of the valve cover. Have now taken off the (working) pump and am awaiting a new “pump seal”. Hm.. what's that, and where exactly is it? Do I need to remove Mounting Flange and pump driver? Any pictures? BTW, I have the after-market over-pressure set-up that most likely saved my pump, BUT I have a dead head in the system. So, question/request # 2, how can I locate/eliminate that?

      • #34885
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          What's the valve box for? Is it open center? Hope your pump surivedembarassed

        • #34828
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            Pump seems OK. The replacement valve box was needed, finally, because the old valves were always sticking, leaking and have always been super-clunky. One valve finally froze,

          • #34886
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              You don't say what the “valve box” is for – loader?  Is it an open-center valve – it has to be in order to work with these systems.  A closed-center type valve will deadhead the pump because there is no continuous flow through it.

              Assuming that you have the correct style and size of valve assembly for your purpose, my  best guess would be that one of your quick-disconnects in the loader lines has failed or is not seated correctly – this also deadheads the system.  Many owners simply remove the QC's entirely and just screw the lines together to avoid this – I purchased after-market QCs from Ronald at RanchHand Supply and replaced the Chinese ones just to be safe. 

              If it is neither of those causes, you'll need to go through the entire system, preferably with a pressure gauge, to determine where the deadhead is occurring. 

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