which hydraulic Bonded Seal for Zl-20 FEL Valve?

Forum Forums Help Me Find A Part which hydraulic Bonded Seal for Zl-20 FEL Valve?

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    • #30746
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        Hi,    On my 1 year old ZL-20 FEL, the hydraulic lines attach to the hydraulic valve with washers with attached rubber o-rings.   Most of these are crushed and oozing out of the connector as they have been since the day I have received the tractor.  I'm finally going to fix the leaks.   I understand these are called bonded seals and and keywords like dowty also help in the internet search.  I took guess based on measurements that I need a M14 seals for the ZL-20 Valve.  I am not sure.  Please help me clarify.  I also have a ZL-30  will these be different?  how about any bonded seals for the ZW-6 backhoe?

        So in summary, my immediate need is to ensure I get the right part for the ZL-20 but I would just as well understand any other size bonded seal used for other Jinma hydraulic connections and I will order a set of everything.    Thanks!

      • #35877
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          I got my bonded washers from Tommy at Affordable Tractor Sales in Texas.  He knows which ones you need and should have them in stock.  As I recall, the ones on my ZL-30 FEL are 18 mm, but I could be wrong.

        • #36198
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            Well I should have listened.  I read somewhere that I was supposed to measure the bonded seal from the ID of the rubber part.  So I ordered 10 14mm parts.  to be safe I ordered 12mm and 16mm parts also.  the 16mm parts were still too small.  Now I am re-ordering 18mm washers.  Its funny I was in a napa store in Hillsboro OR last week asking about these.  They had no clue what I was talking about.  They were convincing me I had some very specialized piece of machinery.  I didn't elaborate and let them continue to think I had a very high end machine.

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