Front Axle

Forum Forums Tractor Troubleshooting Front Axle

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    • #30826
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        Ok dang today working my tractor I feel a snap” I was pushing dirt with my scraper box in reverse”  I notice my 4WD is no longer working, then the right front wheel just falls off, oil spills after evaluation I'm steering in reverse with my brakes to find level solid ground. I remember old posts where guys were digging into piles in 4 WD  and snapped there axle, which is what I was doing earlier. anyone got any how to tips for repairs.

      • #36470
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          Take that 8 bolt cover off that the axle went thru, you will need to order a new driving shaft, bearing,  1/2 moon washer, gasket, seals, The driving shaft is pressed onto the bearing and the 1/ 2 moon washers.If you do not have a bearing press any local auto parts store can press the new one on for you.


          We have all the replacement parts in stock., Do you have a parts book ? If not we have those also



          Affordable Tractor Sales

          “Your Jinma Parts Superstore”

        • #36471
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             Sounds good to me I do have a Nortrac manual. I will call you and place the order.

            Thank you


          • #36472
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              The Nortrac is the same as the Jinma 200 series, if you just need a tractor parts manual. If you want a set of manuals that includes the Parts, operation, Engine you need to know which engine you have ( Example Y385T )



              Affordable Tractor Sales

              “Your Jinma Parts Superstore”


            • #36473
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                To add to what Tommy said:  You really do need all the manuals, not just the owner's manual.  The parts manual has breakdown diagrams that show what's what and give part numbers.  The engine manual covers the engine and is necessary since these tractors can be supplied with more than one particular engine.

                Tommy is a great source of both parts and information, as are the guys at his shop.  Don't hesitate to call on them.  You'll be glad you did.

              • #36475
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                  I have a question were you on concrete or asphalt,I am womdering how you could have gotten enough traction to shear the shaft.Or is the metal in the shaft that poor.

                  In the dirt I have had the tires spinning pulling on heavy things,Have I been lucky?

                • #36477
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                    Even in relatively soft dirt it only takes one embedded rock to create a sudden load than can shear an axle.  I haven't done it on my tractor (yet) but I did  it on a front axle on a 4WD International many years ago.  I don't think it has too much to do with the quality of the steel itself, though perhaps something to do with the manufacturing process or subsequent heat treating. 

                    Most all axles these days are a medium carbon steel heat treated to a case-and-core state where the outside is hard enough to withstand abrasive wear and the core is soft enough to resist fracturing.  However, if the axle has a relief turned in it at a diametrical step change that can create a stress riser where failure will be manifested under excess strain.  Not having seen one of these axles out of the tractor I can't say if that is the case here, but that's a general overview.

                  • #36496
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                      I was in dirt digging into a pile slowly curling and raising the bucket thinking about old posts of this so I thought I was being cautious,,, guess not.


                       I took off the Drive shaft cover removing the remaining bearing pieces and the Half Moon Washers, I thought the broken shaft would come out but it doesn't  nor does the big drive gear can someone explain the steps to removing the broken axle so I can put the new one in? I really don't want to take things apart for no reason??

                    • #36497
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                        All that is holding that in now is a bearing on the inside, if you can get something on either side of the big gear, and wiggle it out.the bearing on the end is sitting in a recessed area, it's not pressed in there



                        Affordable Tractor Sales

                        “Your Jinma Parts Superstore”


                      • #36498
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                          Thanks Tommy,

                          I was thinking a puller but thought I better ask before I pull.

                        • #36499
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                            maybe weld or drill and tap a bolt to the axle and use a slide hammer.

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