Rear tire chains

Forum Forums Tractor Operation And Maintenance Rear tire chains

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    • #30975
      Michel Molnar
        • Offline

        I am looking at installing rear tire chains on my 2004 Iron Horse 284. But it looks as if there is not enough room between the fenders and the rear tire lugs to allow the chains to pass, there is barely enough room to side your index finger between the fender and tire lug.

        So question is has anyone ran into this situation and if so what did you come up with to eliminate the issue ?

        Mike in  Michigan

      • #37386
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          I have never seen one that close do you have factory sized tires and rims ? makes me think they are oversized. if not maybe it was one of those things that the factory said ahh that is good enough it clears,but maybe you could make new fender brackets to raise them . I would think 3 to 4 inches between the fender and the tire should be ok. good luck

        • #37388
          Michel Molnar
            • Offline

            When I looked at the specs on the tractor they said it should have 9.5 x 24 size rear tires, and in looking they are indeed that size.

            So I guess the only option here would be to modify the fender mount like you suggested.

            My thought was to leave the one bottom back bolt in the fender ROPS mount and rotate the fender to the rear of the tractor a little that would possibly give me the room I need and then redrill the fender and rebolt the other three fender mounting bolts.

            But that was my first thought I'll give it a bit more eye balling and think on it.  In raising the fender one must consider that the ROPS bar is formed to the fender contour and there fore to raise the fender one must notch the fender to allow the fender to slide upward.

          • #37389
              • Offline

              that is a shame that the factory let it out the door like that , they should have done the re-engineering not you.

            • #37402
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                I found tire chains to fit my Farm Pro 2420 from a company that sells tire chains for semi trucks however I can’t recall the name. Any truck parts company should be able to help.

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