My tractor does not have a spin on Hyd filter…I believe it is in the Hyd tank under the seat and is removable and made of mesh or steel fiber. What I would like to know is if it can be cleaned or should it be replaced. If it can be cleaned what is the best way to go about it and what should I use to clean it. I plan on changing the hyd oil while I’m in there. What Hyd oil should I use to replace the old Hyd oil…Thanks Larry…
I would think you could clean it with diesel fuel or kerosene, and I use AW 32 hydraulic oil, some folks use a multi viscosity oil like this—fluids-16461/grease—lube-16582/hydraulic-fluid-17707/o-reilly-oil-5-gallon-hydraulic-fluid/80024/4601129
Our mechanics use brake clean to clean the intank filter as it evaporates quickly and removes all tarnish. We also find that the hydraulic systems seem to work best when using HW46 hyd fluid or AW46.
Tyler Nystrom
Keno Tractors
Phone hours: M-F 8am to 5:30pm PST Sat 9am to 1pm PST