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- This topic has 34 replies, 3 voices, and was last updated 6 years, 4 months ago by
Bob Rooks.
September 5, 2018 at 3:07 am #48101
Anyone know what’s up with this company? I’m looking to buy a grapple bucket and emailed them several times in the past few weeks. Then I called today and after about ten rings got a message that says “I’m maybe on the phone with someone”, or something to that effect, and still nothing. :unsure: Their products look to be well made, the website’s up, the emails don’t come back as undeliverable, but it seems like no one’s home. I started out looking at a Titan add on grapple, then noticed I could get a complete bucket and grapple made for each other and built here in the USA for a hundred bucks more, but I just figured a better built tool made of better, lighter steel would leave me happier and with a lighter bucket.
September 5, 2018 at 10:11 am #48102
I bought a grapple kit for my skid steer bucket from them years ago, but I see it isn’t offered now. It’s very well made. I had no problems with the sale, except the shipping was slow. I have since bought a Titan flail mower, skid steer bucket, and pallet forks. Titan’s shipping is very quick, and their customer service is great. Also very good quality, and you can’t beat the prices. Made in China.
Did you notice that CTOA was down for a couple of days? Appears that a lot of recent posts were lost.
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September 5, 2018 at 10:35 am #48103
Did you notice that CTOA was down for a couple of days? Appears that a lot of recent posts were lost.
I did notice that. What happened Hal? On another note I found this on ebay:
Made here and about the same price as a Titan grapple that bolts to your existing bucket. I’m also looking to order this:
I can get this in 1/4″ too to save weight. Cut the ears off the old bucket and weld to the adapters for the loader, weld the other plate to the old bucket and buy the grapple bucket, now I already have two attachments with the Quick attach setup. By the way, my house burned to the ground on the 7th, in about 5 minutes while I was at work. My wife and a friend visiting, and our daughter were home and all got out OK. Lost a lot of old cars too, will post pics. That’s why I need the grapple.
September 5, 2018 at 10:47 am #48104
Geez Eric, that is so sad to hear. Glad everyone got out safely.
Converting to Quick-Tach will open up a wide variety of attachment for you, not to mention the ease of switching attachments. Great idea, imo.
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September 12, 2018 at 5:58 pm #48118
we shall see I left a voice mail today with Anbo wanting a quote on a grapple also. Left measurements and a phone # . Mr. Tinbender have you gotten a response yet?
September 13, 2018 at 2:05 pm #48119
Nothing. Four emails, one phone message left. Nada. This from a place that has sent me at least 50 emails in the past trying to sell me attachments. There’s a place in North Carolina that makes really nice ones but they said they were 4 months behind. And that was before the hurricane.
September 13, 2018 at 7:15 pm #48120
Do you think that they might have been wrapped up in some of the wildfire problems in the west ? And do you got a name of the people in N.C. All I have seen is the stuff from titan .
September 14, 2018 at 1:11 am #48121
Here’s the link: Don’t know about the wildfire situation in Washington, Bob could fill you in. With the house fire I find myself opening three hours earlier just to get out of the motel.
I’m looking to get a 5th wheel to put on the property, the rental market here is non existent, especially if you have pets. This @#$&@ place has turned into Aspen west. When I moved here there were 3000 people in town. Now 30,000. You could buy a house in town for 40,000, 50,000 in Bend Now? 280,000 in Redmond, 460,000 average in Bendover! :wacko:
September 14, 2018 at 1:24 am #48122
Off topic but… Can Anyone read this micro sized type without reading glasses?????
September 14, 2018 at 6:25 am #48123
it is not just you glasses are required and that is a appropriate name Bendover, kinda the same here in TN, population going up to quickly but housing prices are still reasonable if you stay away from the bigger city’s which is why I guess for the increase in people and the no state income tax factor too.
September 14, 2018 at 10:46 am #48124
Here’s the wildfire data. You can zoom in or out to include multiple states. It looks like it is updated every few minutes.
And yeah, I think Hal is using a 60″ monitor so everything looks fine to him. I think the translucent imaging is an attempt to avoid hackers with bad eyesight. And the orange text has to go too.
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September 14, 2018 at 1:28 pm #48125
Here’s the one I was looking at:
Only problem is I need one now, not 3 months from now. :negative:
September 14, 2018 at 2:46 pm #48126
I can tell you that Titan is good for one week delivery, but you’ve already looked at them, right?
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September 14, 2018 at 8:08 pm #48129
Yeah my bucket is 55 inchs wide some manf. do not make one that small, the lifting cap. is when new 1000 lbs. so I am torn whether to go light duty so I can maintain as much lift as possible or get one that will be more durable. I looked at wikco but there wait is around 6 weeks but they do make a one that will fit and is light duty. so I will have to make a decision.
September 15, 2018 at 4:44 am #48130
The problem with the Titan and another one simular I looked at is the extra 170 pounds of weight, as well as the design and quality of the of the grapple itself. These Jinmas are pretty lightweight when it comes to loader capacity. Add in the weight of a quik tach bracket and a 450 lb grapple and now we’re already well over half capacity.
September 15, 2018 at 8:21 am #48131
I did not mention the grapple I am shopping for is for that bobcat 500 that I got going. Who ever had it before cut in half the front counter weight which makes it easier to get into but makes the front way to light with out a load in the bucket. And it also eliminated some foot safety protection. again we reengineer . I guess the wikco grapple is the best choice for what I need.
September 17, 2018 at 6:48 pm #48138
Mr.tinbender I got a response to a price request from anbo . So they also sent me a direct phone # which is 1- 866-634-3330 ext 1 ask for Dave trucking is a killer for me. but you are closer.
September 21, 2018 at 5:53 am #48140
I just received a response from Anbo myself, 20 days after contacting them. Kinda proud of their products, their small grapple is 1/3 of what I paid for the tractor :scratch: If I were using it every day to make money with it I could justify the price I suppose, but then I’d probably have a JD or a Kubota to put it on.
September 21, 2018 at 7:16 pm #48141
I just added 108 lbs more front counter weight to the skid steer , that made it better but still on non level grades it is to light in the nose , so it looks like I will have to get a grapple to add more front weight(around 200 lbs). But yeah I am thinking titan at this point , but I do like the anbo’s features. But that would be liking sticking lipstick on a pig. The grapple would be worth more that the skid steer.
October 4, 2018 at 6:26 pm #48150
I am getting a bolt on grapple from paladin from a employee of theirs at his discount. I will let you know how it goes. From what I was told the people at titan were employees of Kodiak who left when they were bought out by paladin , now they paladin was just bought up by black and decker. I guess company diversification is back in style.
October 6, 2018 at 4:26 am #48154
October 6, 2018 at 4:56 am #48156
Her’s some pictures from this past week. I cut a driveway out to the street that meets up with the existing one making it circular. A 5th wheel’s going where the gravel isn’t graded yet, hopefully Monday. All the firewood was where the 5th wheel’s going, of course :yes: Two months in a motel is two too many. As if the fire wasn’t enough, my wife’s MS reared it’s ugly head when she fell in the motel room and landed on a small, sharp, hard plastic trash can. Broke 2 ribs and lacerated her liver. Two weeks in the main hospital and Three weeks and counting in a recovery hospital. And all 23 of the damned chickens survived so I have to look at the place every morning anyway, might as well live here in the 5th wheel where I can work on clean up when I’m not at the store.
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October 6, 2018 at 6:32 am #48160
wow what a mess, on the bright side all the things that you did not like you have a chance to get it how you want it. I am sure that did not help much. but the driveway looks good.
October 6, 2018 at 10:04 am #48161
A few pictures of the tractor. The fire department worked hard to save it, I didn’t ask them to, one or more must have been farm boys that couldn’t watch it burn, because everything else within 75 yards around it was gone :scratch: Everything plastic melted. Tail lamps, seat, gearshift, gauges and switches, headlight. luckily the loader hoses didn’t, melt just the wrap around them. Sandblasted the rim and primed it White, repainted the cowl while everything was out of it. Changed out the steering wheel too, got a fancy new seat from Northern Tool to put on after the rear gets new paint. Doing the hood now, then the ROPS and burned up rear fender.While all that’s off the back I’ll repaint the floor and rear end black and it will be new again. (at least the gauges say it only has a few hours on it now!)
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October 6, 2018 at 12:42 pm #48165
The hood just had blisters at the front, and fading paint. But these hoods are what we call in the bodyman trade “A sack of walnuts”. Horrible fiberglass work, I’ve been wanting to redo this hood since I bought the tractor in early 08. All I’ve done so far is run a mudhog across it to reveal the highs and lows, about 5 hours of work should get it ready to prime and paint.
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October 7, 2018 at 12:03 pm #48170
My sympathies to you Eric. Geez, what a mess. Looks like your loader forks are working great, and that driveway is looking good. Looks like that ’55 Dodge and the ’30’s sedan didn’t fare very well though. You really got lucky with the Jinma, it’s going to look better than new.
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October 8, 2018 at 10:08 am #48176
If you look close at that picture of the tractor with the burned tire, look at the left rear tail lamp, it’s dripping down and landed on the left rear tire, like a Salvador Dali painting. It’s still there, both colors, between the lugs. :wacko: On a much better note, here’s yesterday’s work, almost ready for the 5th wheel that’s showing up later today. Better still, Marianne’s being released from the hospital today! :yahoo: As you can see, we’re working on a small front yard to put a BBQ out in so as to not fill the trailer with grease when doing chicken or ribs. I’m going to fence an area around 40′ x 50′ too so the dog has somewhere to stay besides his dog run or the trailer during the day. The shipping container’s one side of the fence so only three sides to go :whistle: That’s our Daughter in the first pic, dang she’s getting big, started High School this year :heart:
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October 23, 2018 at 6:18 pm #48214
well I got the grapple to work , but I am not happy with the pedal (to stiff and the cylinder is small so it operates very fast) I made up to work it. I think I am going to come up with a hand controlled stick to operate the grapple vs. a pedal. phase two(remake) will start shortly. HOPEFULLY NO PHASE THREE.
October 23, 2018 at 6:41 pm #48215
David, you can make a restrictor to put in the grapple cylinder hose connection to slow it down. I used small copper washers (aluminum would work too).
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October 24, 2018 at 6:14 pm #48216
do you have a idea of a diameter of a hole for the restrictor I should start from ?
October 25, 2018 at 10:17 am #48217
do you have a idea of a diameter of a hole for the restrictor I should start from ?
The copper washers I used had a 1/4″ hole, but that was for a 1/2″ ID hose connection. If you have 3/8″ hose maybe 3/16″ would work. Kinda trial and error. I used washers from the HF assortment.
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October 25, 2018 at 3:01 pm #48219
yeah I was thinking about a 50% reduction and it is 3/8 inch so 3/16 it is.
October 25, 2018 at 11:17 pm #48220
yeah I was thinking about a 50% reduction and it is 3/8 inch so 3/16 it is.
Let me know if it works for you. A lot depends on the GPM rating of the pump. Mine is rated for 7 GPM.
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October 29, 2018 at 5:21 pm #48232
well when I converted it from a pedal to a hand control it is now easier to not slam the teeth of the grapple into the bucket or slamming the cylinder closed while opening grapple, so I am calling it good enough, no phase 3 ,thanks god you know when I have had enough.
October 29, 2018 at 6:06 pm #48233
Glad you found an easy solution David.
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