Can’t upload images.

Forum Forums Site Questions and Help and Features Can’t upload images.

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    • #30490
      Bob Rooks
        • Offline

        Topic title says it all. Simple:Press has bugs in it's fuel.

        Keep getting “Error 500”.

        Account deleted.

      • #34080
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          Please help me undestand the exact flow that you are doing in uploading images. I have not been able to create the issue you are having. Below are the steps to upload an image………

          To post a picture in the actually fairly straight forward.

          Click the small ICON that looks like a TREE when your posting a response or new topic question.

             The icon image to click on is here.

          Then this new box below will pop up for you

          Click the ICON in the image and it takes you to your own personal IMAGE folder. You will first see images you have already uploaded to use. Or click on the UPLOAD tab and you can then select multiple pictures to include in your folder. Once in your folder, just click the image you wish to display in your post.

          GIVE IT A TRY ! wink

          CTOA - Founder

        • #34081
            • Offline

            Okay, Images upload, but then when I go to BROWSE for the images I have uploaded, I am finally getting the error on my end… NOW I CAN START TO LOOK FOR THE CULPRIT!!!

            Most likely due back when I had the malware attack issues and we set up some protection….obviously file uploads and browsing server issues were targeted and we used some code to help protect…will research and look for an answer !!!!

            CTOA - Founder

          • #34157
              • Offline

              Can we get an update? Waiting to see Bob Rook's videos and pictures.

            • #34159
              Bob Rooks
                • Offline

                Can we get an update? Waiting to see Bob Rook's videos and pictures.

                Haven't started yet, still a little behind on the shop, but I can tell you that the first video will just be a “teaser”. It's just going to be removing the ROPS in real time so you can judge the quality and content of the video, and if it meets expectations.


                Account deleted.

              • #34160
                  • Offline

                  Sorry! Thought you were waiting for the “problem” to be fixed.

                  My dozer is just sitting in the shop waiting on the new segmented brake bands. Beginning to think they might be at the bottom of the sea.

                • #34162
                  Bob Rooks
                    • Offline

                    Hal will probably have the site fixed by the time I'm ready

                    Account deleted.

                  • #34194
                      • Offline

                      Image UPLOADS after much prayer! Appear to be working again. Please let me know. P.S. If you like this handmade product made by a very dear friend of mine just let me know! 🙂

                      CTOA - Founder

                    • #34195
                        • Offline

                        Nope, not working. All I get is the “insert image” screen, no browse, no way to insert an image.hmmm

                      • #34196
                          • Offline


                           Once that box pops up, you then need to click on the image that looks like a camera with a magnifying glass over it.


                          Click the ICON on the right in the image and it should open up you to your own personal IMAGE folder. It is set to open automatically in the UPLOAD options. Just CLICK on the UPLOAD tab and you can then select multiple pictures to include in your personal online folder. Once uploaded to your folder, you would then click the BROWSE TAB to select the image you wish to display in your post. As you mose over each one, it should also pop up with a small image of the file for quick reference.

                          GIVE IT A TRY ! wink

                          CTOA - Founder

                        • #34208
                            • Offline

                            HERE IS A HOW TO UPLOAD IMAGES GUIDE CLICK HERE  Hopefully this will show you the steps to better understand image uploads in our forums.

                            CTOA - Founder

                          • #34209
                            Bob Rooks
                              • Offline

                              Hal, I know how to upload images. I've done quite a few as you can see.

                              I am still unable to browse the images I have already uploaded (still get the http 500 error). I find it curious that nobody else has this issue but me (sigh).

                              One thing to note however, is that now I can't get out of the SimplePress browser unless I exit the entire page.

                              Ball is still in your court. frown

                              Account deleted.

                            • #34210
                                • Offline

                                That's just it Hal, the icon with the camera is not there. Same screen as you are showing, except nowhere to go from that screen.

                              • #34211
                                  • Offline

                                  At least you can get to that screen Bob, I can't even get that farfrown If I could, if you are still getting the “500” error it would stand to reason I would as well.

                                • #34212
                                    • Offline

                                    Be sure you clicking the icon of the TREE not the FILMSTRIP. I tried it and it shows.

                                    Also, Bob be sure to try to clear out your cache and cookies, might have some conflict.


                                    Also, Bob, when you click on the TREE icon, then on the CAMERA icon and the next window pops up, If your able at that time to click on the upper left BROWSE icon and see all your prior uploaded files, mouse over them and each one should show a small image of the uploaded file, if any only shows a empty box with the little red x I suggest you delete those because they could be causing a comflict too.


                                    Good luck

                                  • #34213
                                      • Offline

                                      There may be something to clearing out the cache and cookies, for when I open this site using Chrome instead of Firefox I now get the camera icon on the screen after clicking on the tree. However when I click on browse,(upper left to browse simple press) my THREE pages of images in simple press are MISSING. Empty, nada, zilch. I could try to upload a picture now, but I am so disgusted I'd rather take the fuel MAF sensor, ducting, and intake manifold off my PT Cruiser so I can change the plugs!yell 

                                    • #34214
                                      Bob Rooks
                                        • Offline

                                        I run three computers. I have cleared cache & cookies on all of them – no difference. Same symptoms on all three.

                                        I have all of the appropriate icons, tree, filmstrip, etc. All work fine.

                                        What I still cannot do is is click the Browse tab at the upper left of the SimplePress browser without getting the infamous “500” error.



                                        You must REALLY be frustrated if you'd rather do that on your Cruiser. roflmao

                                        I'm frustrated too.

                                        Account deleted.

                                      • #34216
                                          • Offline

                                          Trust me, I am just as frustrated… I thought it was FIXED!

                                          One small check is your java version.. check it at this link

                                  see if its good. (just trying to verify all possible conflict issues)

                                          Again, I was having the same problem, but after I updrgade the forums software and cleared cache all are working fine again on my end.

                                          I know how you feel too!

                                          CTOA - Founder

                                        • #34217
                                            • Offline

                                            O.K. I cleared the browser on the home computer. Now I'm at Bob's level. When I click to browse simple press rather than seeing a blank file I just get the 500 error. Not sure if that's an improvementhmmm.

                                            At 150,000 miles this will be the third plug change and first set of wires. I've got it down to about a half hour. Better than the fellow with the shop next door and his Hemi Dodge pickup. SIX hours to change it's Sixteen plugs.vomit

                                          • #34218
                                              • Offline

                                              Tinbender, please try again and let me know. I changed site and removed one more possible conflict. holeagain

                                              CTOA - Founder

                                            • #34219
                                              Bob Rooks
                                                • Offline

                                                Checked Java, I'm good. I had an older version of Java on board collecting dust and got rid of it. Still no change.


                                                Six hours to change out sixteen plugs? WOW! Still, that doesn't seem bad compared to lifting the whole cab off the chassis to change injectors in my truck, I think, because you can't even see them let alone touch them.

                                                Account deleted.

                                              • #34220
                                                  • Offline

                                                  Still trying to figure it out. I now DO NOT have the issue so its harder to narrow down to a site wide issue. My BROWSE top left shows correctly and functions.

                                                  CTOA - Founder

                                                • #34221
                                                    • Offline

                                                    Hal, I have an idea, maybe out of left field.hmmm I e-mailed you the numbers/names of the two pictures that are in mine and Bobs simple press folders that by chance may have somehow caused this problem for us. Bob did not have a problem before posting these. I had him e-mail me those two pics. I did not have a problem before posting those two pics. Can you remove those two pics from our/mine simple press folder? It seems like too much of a coincidence, don't ya think?hmmm 

                                                  • #34222
                                                      • Offline

                                                      Sounds like as good a chance as any at this point. Once I get the email I will delete them from both your image folder directories on the server and we will see. If you know the IMAGE file names, just post them here then I will locate and delete them.

                                                      CTOA - Founder

                                                    • #34223
                                                        • Offline

                                                        I e-mailed them to you some time ago but searched my folder and found them.


                                                        IMGA0303.JPG   111KB


                                                        Steering brake bands (1)  341KB

                                                      • #34224
                                                          • Offline

                                                          Okay, tinbender.. I have removed those two files from your storage folder, give her a try and please let me know.

                                                          CTOA - Founder

                                                        • #34226
                                                          Bob Rooks
                                                            • Offline

                                                            Quick update: I can now Browse and insert my images. So far, so good.

                                                            Dozer parking only. laugh

                                                            Account deleted.

                                                          • #34228
                                                              • Offline

                                                              Happy Days Are Here Again!coolhailkinghailkinghailking

                                                            • #34229
                                                                • Offline

                                                                Tinbender, I deleted those last two files you had updated prior to the problem. I also did the same for Bob, deleted the last image that had show to have uploaded before the issues. Glad your back able to UPLOAD!

                                                                Keep me posted, I changed the site colors a bit too while cleaning and updating.

                                                                The forums software will have two more upgrades to bring it to most current version in the near future now that I think this issue is resolved.

                                                                But, don't want to rush it, sometimes most current are buggy! punch 

                                                                CTOA - Founder

                                                              • #34230
                                                                  • Offline

                                                                  I suspect there is a problem with one of the file namesreadin, but I'm not about to re-name them and re-try posting them!holeagain

                                                                  I'm quite content to let sleeping dogs lie.roflmaoroflmaoroflmao

                                                                • #34231
                                                                    • Offline

                                                                    My brain hurts now, time for a drink!

                                                                    CTOA - Founder

                                                                  • #34232
                                                                      • Offline

                                                                      Yes, I'd rather have a bottle in front of me, than a frontal lobotomy.

                                                                      But that will have to wait 'till tonight. wink

                                                                    • #34234
                                                                        • Offline

                                                                        Now I’m unable to upload images. I have no tool bar at all. No tree or filmstrip icons.

                                                                      • #34238
                                                                          • Offline

                                                                          Clear your browser cookies, make sure no pop up blockers are blocking the ctoa website. If still an issue, let me know.frown

                                                                          CTOA - Founder

                                                                        • #34239
                                                                            • Offline

                                                                              I just had to try inserting an image. 

                                                                            When I click on the tree icon I get a pane that asks for the URL for the photo, but I don't see anything like a camera icon or anything about a place to store photos.   If I put in the URL for a photo in my Photobucket account, it loads it as a full-screen size, not a thumbnail.  If I try the Photobucket thumbnail code I get nothing showing.  Am I missing something?

                                                                          • #34241
                                                                              • Offline

                                                                              Interesting, are you sure the box that pops up is not sized a little to small for some reason? See if you can stretch it to the right. The image of the camera with a magnifying glass over it should be on the right side of the URL entery line.

                                                                              Also, I now have it set when you click on your upper left BROWSE button to view your uploaded images, it shows them first as THUMBNAILS for quicker selection.

                                                                              CTOA - Founder

                                                                            • #34242
                                                                                • Offline

                                                                                Yep, still works. Rich, try deleting the cookies in your browser. Not sure why but I had the same issue as you untill I cleared the crap out of my browser.

                                                                              • #34244
                                                                                  • Offline

                                                                                  Pop up blocker is off and all cookies cleared. Still no toolbar when I use IE9. If I use Google Chrome I do have a tool bar, but I still can't post images. I'm able to successfully upload the image, but when I click the left browse tab I get a blank window.  Normally the uploaded images appear in this window. 

                                                                                • #34245
                                                                                    • Offline

                                                                                    Do you know when the last time you were able to use it properly. Like some of the others, a image upload might be causing some issue.

                                                                                  • #34246
                                                                                      • Offline

                                                                                      Nope, I don't have a camera icon there no matter how big I make that panel.  I use Firefox, latest version.

                                                                                      I can't recall ever having uploaded a picture to this forum.

                                                                                    • #34248
                                                                                        • Offline

                                                                                        The last picture I was able to post was Feb. 5th. I have no way to delete any of the uploaded pictures.

                                                                                      • #34250
                                                                                          • Offline

                                                                                          Just gotta try…….


                                                                                        • #34251
                                                                                            • Offline

                                                                                            test – trying from my laptop, also running latest version of Firefox.  Still no camera icon on the picture insertion pane.  I give up.

                                                                                          • #34252
                                                                                              • Offline

                                                                                              Okay, trying with Internet Exploder – with it I DO get the little camera icon in the insert picture pane.  Obvioiusly it would seem that the problem is with the way the site handles Firefox.  I haven't changed any cookies or cache with either browser. 

                                                                                              I won't use IE, however – just too hard to deal with compared to Firefox.  I guess I just can't post pictures.

                                                                                            • #34253
                                                                                                • Offline

                                                                                                A couple of things.  I have the camera icon and I am running Firefox on a MAC. 


                                                                                                If in fact one of the files that was causing Tin a Bob problems was called Steering brake bands (1) that file has no extension and therefore would not be associated with a MIME type and that could cause issues in some cases.

                                                                                              • #34254
                                                                                                  • Offline

                                                                                                  I have duplicated Rich's problem. No camera icon when running the latest Firefox on XP or 7. Explorer8 on XP, 9 on Win7, or Chrome on either work without a hitch.

                                                                                                • #34255
                                                                                                    • Offline

                                                                                                    Okay, that will help me look into that specific issue more. Usually Firefox works better than most so this is a interesting issue. I will be upgrading these forums one more time in the near future to the most current version too! However, letting others who install it report known issues before I even attempt it, since it is a complete rewrite of the code.

                                                                                                    Additionally, the latest forum release uses a different upload approach which hopefully will be easier for some.

                                                                                                    CTOA - Founder

                                                                                                  • #34256
                                                                                                      • Offline

                                                                                                      If you see this post with an image, I had no problem using FIREFOX to upload a image. Say, Hi to my wife, I used her computer with Firefox and Windows7 No Problem. I only noticed that the first time the camera icon seemed a second to appear.

                                                                                                      CTOA - Founder

                                                                                                    • #34258
                                                                                                        • Offline

                                                                                                        Yep, I see the picture just fine, Hal.  I'm running Firefox version 10.0.2 on Windows 7 Professional on both my computers.  I clicked on the camera icon in the reply panel and that brought up the insert image pane but, even after a seven minute wait, there is no camera icon in that pane.

                                                                                                      • #34259
                                                                                                          • Offline

                                                                                                          That is so strange. Usually Firefox has no issues. It could be some js conflict. Sorry for that.

                                                                                                          RichWaugh, I checked your folder on the server for images, it had one image in it, but I deleted it and emptied your online folder, try again when you get a chance, just to see if that maybe helps, (you never know)

                                                                                                          When I upgrade to the newest forum version totally rewritten code, it has a different and hopefully easier upload option that just shows at the bottom of the post box area. Hopefully when I make that final upgrade your issues will resolve itself.

                                                                                                          It is always hard to know every possible unique setting on every computer to figure out problems when not sitewide, hopefully yours will get cleared up.

                                                                                                          CTOA - Founder

                                                                                                        • #34260
                                                                                                            • Offline

                                                                                                            Well, that didn't change anything, Hal.  I'll just have to wait for the new version of the forum software, I guess.

                                                                                                          • #37484
                                                                                                            Preson Reiva
                                                                                                              • Offline

                                                                                                              Had to try!

                                                                                                            • #37485
                                                                                                              Preson Reiva
                                                                                                                • Offline

                                                                                                              • #37486
                                                                                                                Bob Rooks
                                                                                                                  • Offline

                                                                                                                  It worked! Kind of a hassle tho, I must admit.

                                                                                                                  Account deleted.

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