Dong Feng Bulldog 254 How to remove PTO shaft?

Forum Forums Tractor Troubleshooting Dong Feng Bulldog 254 How to remove PTO shaft?

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    • #31036
      Benjamin Schilling
        • Offline

        Hello all,

        I have a 2005 Dong Feng Bulldog 254 that my father removed the 4 bolts that retain the sheet-steel PTO shaft guard onto the rear cast-iron housing at the rear of the tractor.  He states that he was having difficulty getting the finish mower drive shaft disconnected, and was trying to get a better view of how to release the quick-connect yoke (this was at the end of mowing season)….anyway after doing so, he hooked up the rear mount snowblower, and I used it, unaware that the bolts that retain the shield and most importantly, the PTO stub output shaft retainer plate. About 5 minutes into snowblowing, the rear section of the PTO slid out of the tractor, leaking trans-hydraulic fluid everywhere etc., a gear and some shims  fell off and down into rear housing of the tractor, making it impoosibe to just slide it all back together and reinstall the bolts.  I am trying to disassemble and ultimately reassemble the PTO.  I have removed the bolts that secure the large PTO assembly housing, and anything else that I can see might be preventing me from removing the entire assembly. I was also foolish enough to remove the countershaft that is directly above the PTO output shaft (thus resulting in a pile of loose needle-roller bearings. I have the seat, transmission cover and upper 3point hitch assembly arm housing removed, in an effort to gain sight and access to the inner shaft. I am able to slide the main rear  PTO housing backwards about half an inch, and then it stops solidly.  I cannot see what is preventing me from removing that housing with the shaft and bearings, so that I can ultimately reassemble all pieces correctly.  Do I need to split the tractor at the clutch housing, or is there something simple that I am just not seeing? 

        I hope the schematic that I attached below helps explain what I'm dealing with.  It all started when the bolts that retain shield #49 were removed, therefore leading to the “sliding out” of #35, #36, and #47 as a complete unit.  When 35. 36, & 47 slid out, gear #28 fell down in the housing.  I tried to remove #31,”rear axle cover”, and found it to be bolted from the inside to #6 “PTO gear housing”, thus I could slide the assembly rearwards about half an inch, and that's it, no further.  I do have the PTO engagement lever disconnected , and anything else that seemed to be “in the way”.  I removed #11 “middle shaft”, and discovered many loose needle/roller bearings (that will be fun to reassemble when the time comes).  I am tending to believe that the entire assembly entire assembly #6 bolted to #31(as one solid housing), with all other gears , bearings and the front part of the PTO drive shaft are supposed to be removed/assembled/installed as a unit.  Can anyone see what I am missing?  Is it as simple as a circlip or snapring?  I can't see how shaft #41 attaches to what drives it in the main transmission.  I'm baffled please someone help? Thanks.

      • #37837
        andy rama
          • Offline

          I read your post with great interest, as I also have Dong Feng, and like your father, find that PTO guard to be a nuisance.  So much so, that I have more than once thought about undoing those same four bolts to remove the guard.  Your plight has dispelled any notion I have about ever removing that guard.

          I've not chimed previously as I have no direct experience with disassembly/reassembly.  However, I'd heard that my importer had to removed/replace a PTO shaft that got sheared off while one of his tractors was still under warranty, he may be able/willing to help you out.  

          Jim Shillington


          Ray Hillman at  is a Dong Feng dealer and really good mechanic, he may be willing to help you out as well. 

          I hope this helps.

        • #37839
            • Offline

            pulling the pto guard is not the end of the world project just put the bolts back in and your good to go, it is just the bolts have two functions, hold the shaft in place and hold the guard in place. so put the bolts back in place.

          • #37940
            Warwick Hoggart
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              Did you get to find an answer?

              I also need to know how to remove the PTO housing on the same beast so that I can get access to the rear wheel shafts lock nuts.

              This will allow me to slide the rear wheel axle out to replace its leaking oil seals.

              Any comments would be appreciated.



            • #37941
                • Offline

                I have a 2005 le 204a lenar (dong feng). I pulled out just the pto shaft to have it drilled for a over run clutch ( it just has a single stage clutch) . It came straight out , I remember filing down sharp edges so a new seal would slide in easier without pinching. I do not know anything other than that, I wish I could help you more.

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