electrical problem

Forum Forums Bulldozer & Excavator Troubleshooting electrical problem

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    • #30258
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        Yuchai dozer with Ty 395E engine.  Dozer has run well until today; when it refused to start. The battery seems OK. The 10 amp red fuse was defective and replaced. The fuses are all OK. The red dash light comes on, but dozer will not turn over. Suggestions appreciated as to where to start looking for problem. thanks, LSF

      • #31984
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          I would take a test light to the starter solenoid to see if you have juice. If not, from there check the clutch safety switch (if it has one), then the key switch in that order.

        • #31988
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            Did you try jumping right at the starter to see if it would crank the engine.  Large terminal where battery connects to small terminal on the solenoid.  Just across there to see if it will spin over.  (make sure it is not in gear) if it's a manual setup.  

          • #32009
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              When I jumped across the dozer starter it started and ran normally. Took the “dash” apart as far as possible; however there is not any slack in the lines. All leads (four) on the switch seem in good shape and are firmly attached. The problem may lie with the switch itself.  Does anyone know where a replacement switch can be found in the US?  OR is there an “universal” that would fit and do the job…   available from one of the local auto parts store.   Does anyone have a wiring color indicated diagram for the switch?   thanks,

            • #32011
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                There are Ford switches that will work, I don't know the part numbers. The dealers listed on this site should be able to ship you a factory switch.

              • #32014
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                  The Ford cold-start tractor switch will do the job for you, I think.  Might have to use a multimeter to suss out the exact wiring, but shouldn't be too difficult.  Here's one source:



                • #32017
                  Bob Rooks
                    • Offline

                    Cole-Hersee makes a better one, available at NAPA. I'm on phone now can't get #.

                    Here they are: Cole-Hersee #M924 or #M832.

                    See: TruChaos. Piece of cake.wink

                    Account deleted.

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