Engine overheating

Forum Forums Tractor Troubleshooting Engine overheating

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    • #30440
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        I have a Jinma 284. After running for 10 – 15 minutes, my water temperature pegs out and soon after coolant begins to blow out of the radiator overflow line. The radiator and screen are clean, the radiator coolant was full, there is no water in the engine oil. Any ideas on what may be the problem?

      • #33582
          • Offline

          It could be a stuck thermostat ? or if you look thru your radiator from the front of the tractor are the fins must be clean enough to see thru ,if not you need to do more cleaning ? Make sure the oil is clean and not milky that would indicate water in the oil which could be a head gasket.



          Affordable Tractor Sales

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        • #33583
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            If it were me, I'd remove the thermostat and do two things:

            1. Run tractor without it to see any difference
            2. Put the thermostat on the stove in a pan of water and heat it up to see when/if it opens.
          • #33586
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              Could be a slipping fan belt as well.

            • #33670
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                We see this a lot and most of the time it is either a blown head gasket or a bad radiator that is causing this. Any white smoke coming from your exhaust? The other suggestions made I would be sure try but in most cases we see it is the above. We carry all parts in stock for your unit.


              • #33738
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                  To check for a blown head gasket, try cranking the engine with the radiator full and the cap off.  Look for bubbles coming out while you are cranking.  If you see bubbles you may have a blown head gasket.

                  Make sure the coolant is not hot when you remove the cap.   Take normal safety precautions.  Do not know whether or not you need to remove the thermostat to conduct this test.

                • #33739
                    • Offline

                    If you can locate a diesel compression gauge that would be best about eliminating the head gasket,it will tell you the cylinder involved,if there is a defect.I know harbor freight has a cheap one and I assume that one of the adapters will go into the glow plug or injector hole.But I do not know for sure.How many hours are on the machine and did the head get retorqued after so time was ran on the tractor.

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