fuel injector specs

Forum Forums Tractor Troubleshooting fuel injector specs

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    • #30541
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        My tractor is a Nortrac NT-304C with the TY395E3 engine.

        It takes some time to start (with white smoke),
        then idles, sometimes rough, but does not accelerate.

        My mechanic and I have been diagnosing it for 2 weeks now to no avail: it seems to get enough fuel, adjusting the fuel pump timing only marginally changed the behavior.

        We checked the fuel injectors: they currently pop at about 2700psi (all three). The book says 13.2Mpa, which is about 1900psi.

        Could it be that all three injectors are wrong, or is the book wrong ?


        Any help/insight is appreciated.

        CTOA - Founder

      • #37854
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          Did you ever get this resolved? Sounds like my problem.

        • #37856
          Bob Rooks
            • Offline

            The book is wrong, or you are mistaking the 8 for a 3.

            Account deleted.

          • #37866
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              I check the fuel system for sucking air I'd inspect the suction side of the fuel system that's from the inlet side of the fuel pump back to the tank that's the suction side of the fuel  system just a minute leak can introduce air and it will cause the symptoms you are describing. This could be caused by just a slightly loose banjo fitting or a not very good quality Chinese rubber fuel line that has deteriorated .     

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