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    • #30209
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        ok guys a little help…! While replacing voltmeter shorted out the wrench on metal. Sparks etc.. blew fuse. Replaced all fuses just to be sure there were no more. Now nothing!!!!!No fire anywhere. Guages not working,no lights, no start,….nothing. Except the voltmeter works. Is there an inline fuse of fusable link somewhere in the electrical system  that could have blown also.

      • #31596
        Bob Rooks
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          That's impossible! Just cannot happen because you disconnected the negative (ground) cable from the battery, which is what you always do when working on electrical systems. You disconnected the ground cable instead of the positive one because you knew that you might accidentally touch the wrench to a steel part and cause a short circuit, possibly blowing up a perfectly good wrench.

          I'm also very glad you had removed your watch and rings, that coming from someone that had to be reminded the hard way. And you never see a mechanic at work with a gold chain around their neck either.

          Sorry, I don't know anything about wheeled tractors…embarassed


          There is enough energy in a diesel starting battery to create and sustain an arc flash.

          More about arc flashes here: http://www.google.com/search?q…..1I7GGIC_en

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        • #31597
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            ok Bob I'm an idiot not a mechanic. Just thought someone may know why i lost all electrical by blowing one fuse. Figured there had to be another one somewhere I don't know about.embarassedembarassedembarassedembarassed

          • #31598
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              What kind of tractor is this…make, model and approximate year?  Does this tractor not have a gauge cluster?  You say you replaced the volt meter so I assume it is a separate gauge from the others.    

            • #31599
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                it is a 2002 farm pro 2420 20hp 290 engine sir. this model does not have a guage cluster 5 seperate round guages.

              • #31601
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                  Until someone with intimate knowledge of that era tractor chimes in all I can suggest is to start checking currant from the battery to the fuse box, check all your fuses, perhaps a wire melted or a loose connection in the fuse box, etc.


                  Long, long ago I was removing the battery in my 64 T-Bird. The first mistake was not taking off the silver ring my folks had given me after a trip to Mexico. Second mistake was using channel-lock pliers instead of going and getting the right wrench. Mistake #3, disconnecting the positive cable first.

                   Damn that hurt when the pliers welded themselves to the ring with my finger in the middle of it!yell

                   Hope that makes you feel a little bettercool 

                • #31605
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                    ok Larry I have power to the main fuse…bottom right 30 amp fuse, (which is also the one the blew)

                     and fires the voltmeter which is the only thing that is working right now!

                    ?hailking so far so good….next?

                  • #31606
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                      If you have the tail style fuse box with the blade style fuses the top fuse is the main one.   It should be a 30 amp fuse.  But I am not sure on your tractor.  Also I assume there is a wire on two terminals on your volt meter.  If so things might be fed through it.  Where does the wire go once it leaves the voltmeter?   You will have to trace with a test light to see where you are losing it. 

                    • #31609
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                        square old stile fuse box sir…+ on one side of voltmeter – on other

                      • #31616
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                          no power to key switch Larry but going to trace the yellow wire now thanks I'll let u knowhailking

                        • #31621
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                            Ok Larry you ain't gonna believe this!!!!!It was the voltmeter…in side hot out side not…put old one back on….problem solved…whoed of thought it….thanks for the help dude!!!!hailkinghailkinghailkinghailking

                          • #31623
                            Bob Rooks
                              • Offline

                              Huh? A voltmeter doesn't have an “IN” and “OUT” like an ammeter does. These ammeters are internally shunted so full current passes through the meter. Now I'm really confusedreadinwink

                              Who cares though as long as it works, right? holeagain

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                            • #31624
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                                I think what he means is after shorting out the new gauge with a wrench, which caused power going in but nothing going out, he replaced it with his old gauge and is now back in business.hmmm

                              • #31626
                                Bob Rooks
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                                  OK, that make sense – he blew the shunt.

                                  But he still wants to call it a voltmeter, oh never mind…roflmaoroflmaoroflmao

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                                • #31630
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                                    My first experience with this was a 1937 Chevy truck I had just bought and towed to the house. After lubing the valves and beating them with a brass drift to get them unstucklaugh and got it running I found nothing else had electrical power. A friend pulled the amp gauge and on the back was a piece of mica board with a wire wrapped around it about ten wraps, and broken. My friend says,” time for a trip to Goodwill” and we go get a waffle iron.hmmm He pulls out one of the heating coils and wraps the same amount of winding onto the back of the gauge and viola, we have juicecool. That was the only “fuse” that truck came with from the factory.

                                  • #31631
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                                      msshearin, I think you did a fry job when you had the sparks flying.  Glad you got it going.  Lesson learned I would think hmmm

                                    • #31637
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                                        yes sirembarassed

                                      • #31638
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                                          Glad you got it figured out quickly and rather cheaply, I love happy endingscool

                                        • #31644
                                          Bob Rooks
                                            • Offline

                                            Tin wrote:

                                            “A friend pulled the amp gauge and on the back was a piece of mica board with a wire wrapped around it about ten wraps, and broken.”

                                            That was your shunt. roflmao

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                                          • #31649
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                                              Me too Bender…the whole story is not that puzzling….ordered an ampmeter from ebay, came in,opened the box put on tractor without really looking at box. Sparks flew when wrench hit something,blew fuse.fuse replaced. No electrics,assumed really f'ed up something when grounded wrench. Wasted several days troubleshooting. Checking wires etc,etc. Read Larrys last post about fire in and out of ampmeter hmmm. Go check it fire in. none out.Look closely.Dam its a voltmeter not an ampmeter.Look at box says ampmeter(thanks ebay)frown.Put old nonworking ampmeter on andlaugh problem solved.Just ordered a jinma AMPMETER from circle G.Guess several lessons learned #1 GO OEM…not ebay…..thanks for all the support. #2 remove negetive battery cable….!hailkinghailkinglaugh

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