Help for back pain

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    • #30411
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        hello I’m reaching out to see if anyone in here has any way to help get rid of back pain

        How it happened
        I was carring a Ac compressor to the roof and me and it feel

        I have been to the er the. A back doc and going to pt this all happened about 3-4 months ago. Today I am for some reason I’m just as much pain if not more
        I am just looking for anything a pill that will work with the pain or a hurb anything the doc has tried about 8 diff pills still none have worked.

        Said gen chit chat think this falls in there
        Sorry for not editing this typing on phone hard to reread and I’m not good at writing most of the time I have the wife read and fix before I post
        She isn’t home to do that tonight ( went to pick up dinner)
        Thank you for any ideas or help

      • #33273
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          My wife gets a prescription for Soma, a muscle relaxer I think. I've had quite a few teeth pulled in the last two years and every time they give me 20 Vicodin (generic). I've never used one for a pulled tooth as it usually feels so much better after it's pulled , I save them for my back. I think the DEA is telling the doctors around here not to prescribe anything, unless you literally rip your arm off all you'll get is advilyell

        • #33274
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            Don't know why it posted twice?

          • #33275
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              Lol I think so when I left the er they gave me doc advil as I call it at the time I didn’t care just needed something but after 4 days of not being able to get up to even go to the bathroom( just held it didnt poo my self) I calle the doc they sent over soma didn’t help they then said take 2 I did still didn’t help but it killed me. Then was given vicaton no good oxi cottden some stuff that started with an n font have bottles in front of me.
              Nothing works when I feel I messed up a lot of discs cracked my bones and ripped a bunch of other stuff I dont know what to do and really don’t want any more pills I got enough to make a drug store look like they r out of stock

            • #33276
              Bob Rooks
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                My back was broken in three places in a motorcycle accident. Crushed L1, L2, L3. I was in traction for two weeks, and wore an aluminum back brace for two years. I know your pain all too well. If you haven't had an X-Ray or Cat scan, get one immediately otherwise you could be talking partial paralysis – or worse. Don't even think of self-diagnosing!  If the pain goes into your legs it could be the sciatic nerve being pinched. I speak from experience, Vicodin and Morphine were the only thing that helped me, plus muscle exercises. Glad to say that I'm back at 98% and fully functional with very little pain. I only take the meds when absolutely necessary.


                Please download and use iespellcheck, it will help straighten out the pain drug-induced spelling quirks, and we can understand you better.


                Account deleted.

              • #33279
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                  I'll second what Bob said – get the CT scan and perhaps an MRI, too.  Each test determines different things so you really need both.  Get thee to a neurologist – the orthopedic docs only see bones, not nerves.  Pain comes from nerves, not bones.

                  Like Bob, I've been down the road with back injuries, surgeries, etc.  I have chronic pain and take maintenance pain medication of the codeine derivative type and it helps – doesn't do it all, but enables me to work.  I don't like it, but there it is.  We do what we have to do.  When the back was at its worst, the only thing that worked at all was morphine and/or Demerol, injectable. 

                  In this day of modern pharmaceuticals, there is NO reason to endure lasting pain.  Any doctor that won't deal effectively with your pain needs to be replaced.  Period.  That bit of advice comes from my wife, a nurse with 35 years experience and no tolerance for doctors who don't treat their patients properly.

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