How Many quarts in Laidong Engine?

Forum Forums Tractor/Dozer Engines How Many quarts in Laidong Engine?

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    • #30827
      Preson Reiva
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        Hi folks,

        Purchaced myself a new Jinma 254 from Keno Tractors last month an so far its been great. Just put the 20 hr oil change on it. My question is as stated is….how many quarts does the LaiDong 385 really take? The paperwork I recieved from Keno Tractors says to put 6.38 QTS of 15/40 in it and so I did. Its showing over full on the stick. So……maybe this is a deal where you check it when its running? Thanks guys for any help.

      • #36480
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          Nope, you don't check it when running.  That may be the amount required if you replace the filter, which adds about a quart to the sump amount.  Otherwise, go with what the dipstick shows.

        • #36481
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              I also purchased a 254 from Keno Tractors in July.  It came with the oil reading about 1/8 of an inch over the high mark on the dip-stick.  I think that's the way it reads when you add the amount of oil ( with filter change ) as listed on the data sheet we received.  I'm about ready to do my first oil change also.  Will let you know my results.

          • #36482
            Preson Reiva
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              Thanks tone……mine wasnt over an 1/8th when I bought it but when I did the oil change its about a inch over the high mark and I only put 6 quarts in it and left the little over out or the .38. I was sure it wasnt a “check when running  deal” but why else would it be that far over. I replaced the filter as well and im asuming that the little over 6 quarts is what makes up the dry filter. Im running it with the inch over for now and it seems to be fine so idk. Thanks

            • #36483
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                I don't know if I'd do that. I know I wouldn't run my car an inch over full.hmmm

              • #36484
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                  I do not know if yours might do as mine but if I pull the dipstick and look at it ,it will show low ,I need to wipe it off and place it back pull it again to get a good reading.I guess it forms a vaccum on the dipstick tube after engine cool off from last use.That is the 50 hp foton the 20 hp dong feng does not do it. I will say this I go by the dipstick not the book.

                • #36485
                  Preson Reiva
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                    When I dropped the oil it didnt have but maybe 4 in 1/2 quarts it looked to me so if I go by the dip stick an not the book then it could be under what it needs. It could easly have the wrong length dipstick tube or even wrong dipstick which would cause a false reading. So………thats why id like to get this correct. As for the rechecking….Ive done that one thinking the same thing as David mentioned and I get the same reading. Really…..5 to 6 quarts sounds more like what this size engine needs and not 4 1/2 or so. Im thinking I might give Keno Tractor a call and see what they got to say about it and ill let you know what they say. thanks

                  • #36486
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                      That's interesting. My tractor has the same engine, but holds only 3.6 quarts (according to the manual and confirmed by oil changes).  I also looked it up online here. See bottom left table on the second page. It states total lubricant capacity is 3.5 liters which is just over 3.6 quarts.

                    • #36487
                      Preson Reiva
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                        Len10 you very well could be right. That's probably what was the amount that was dropped when I changed the oil.I know it looked a whole lot less then what keno's data sheet recommended. So that being said….and after doing some more research it probably does take only 3.6 quarts and would proly put me on the mark with the dip stick. I'll have to drain a little out an next oil change figure out how much it is to the full on the stick an if its 3.6 or so then I'd feel confident in that. Thanks everyone for the help and the comments. I'll update when I call keno an get a day off to figure it out.

                      • #36489
                        Preson Reiva
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                          ok……so I called Keno T this morning and they told me that they havent updated there data sheet in a while and these newer 385 engines take less oil i guess. He couldnt give me the exact amount but he thought around 4 quarts. He told me to go by the dip stick. So tomorrow on my day off ill drain it to the full mark an see how much I get out and that should tell me close to what it takes for next oil change.


                          My next issue is getting new filters. I gave napa my filter number off the filter and they cant find anything that crosses over. I think Tone-tone is having the same issue. Its a JX0710 on my filter too. I got Keno looking that up for me now and ill let you know.

                        • #36492
                          Preson Reiva
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                            Keno called back and gave me a Wix 51342 oil and a wix 33195 fuel filter for my tactor….sweetness

                          • #36500
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                              I have a 2007 jinma with liadong LL 380 B takes 5 Qt and US filters. 350 hours

                            • #36501
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                                pjr, FYI.  Discard the first digit off of a Wix filter and you have the NAPA number. So your Wix 51342 oil and a wix 33195 becomes a 1342 and a 3195 for NAPA.



                              • #36502
                                Preson Reiva
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                                  thanks guys for the help

                                • #36605
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                                    Just did my first oil change w/ filter.  My Jinma 254 took just over 4.5 quarts.  I measured the amount of oil that was drained to get an accurate figure.  Also pre-filled the oil filter to achieve the same oil level that was in the engine at the time of draining.

                                  • #37852
                                    Daniel Eady
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                                      Here are all the corssovers for all brands for the oil and fuel filters for that engine.  Good luck!!


                                      fuel filter: cross… From CX0708 to Baldwin BF7608, DONALDSON FFP55-5095; FRAM P-6503; WIX 33195.


                                      oil filter cross from jx0710, Oil filters: wix-51342, Baldwin-B178, FRAM-PH2870A, Fleetgaurd- LF875, Napa-1342 still wix, Donoldson-P554770

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