If A Tree Falls – Does it ?

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    • #30275
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        It for sure makes a loud noise, especially when the area storms cause it to come crashing down on your home. Why did it have to be the Carport with the vehicles parked under it! 🙁


        Now the fun of dealing with the insurance companies.. a home claim, and two auto claims and a boat claim too.. So how has your day been?!

        CTOA - Founder

      • #32122
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          Man, that's brutal.  That looks like a quite new BMW (528?), so this is a big $$ claim.  You wonder how long it will take insurance companies before they require you to list the big trees within 50 yards of your house before they will give you a premium quote.  Sort of like declaring whether you smoke or not on your life insurance application.

          You folks sure got whacked in that storm… we got some tail end effects here in southern Ontario, but nothing like you got.  Happily, no injuries to you or family (I hope).


        • #32123
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            Well, it WAS a 2011 128 BMW…now it is slightly damage..with a chance of complete crushing as the carport keeps slowly moving toward complete collapse..


            Try to get the insurance to act swiftly..no way..


            Oh, I had JUST got my pool pump and filter replace for the SUMMER too..hmmmm this really sucks!!  

            Got a tree service and crane due Friday morning to lift tree off..will it be in time? Trying to get some carpenters to shore up the rafters today before its to late!


            CTOA - Founder

          • #32126
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              Well we freed our little baby from its prison finally today, with a little luck and some extra supports…she is already off to the repair center for a make over !!

              CTOA - Founder

            • #32127
              Bob Rooks
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                WOW! Sorry to hear that Hal, glad your baby is going to be OK.

                Account deleted.

              • #32144
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                  Here it is SIX days later and still fighting with my homeowners insurance on getting them to get the ROOF off of my other car. Currently my Honda Pilot is the only thing holding up the roof rafter which is pressed down the car roof.

                  Seems the insurance is more concerned with trying to save the structure through supporting it to then put it back into its original condition..they don't undersand that eveyone including their own rennovation company they sent out says the building needs to be completely torn down anyway.

                  So..SAFECO insurance..how much hell are you ready to be receive from me before you authorize the removal of the structure that is sitting on top of my car?!?!

                  CTOA - Founder

                • #32146
                  Carl Darnell
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                    Aw geez, safeco and nationwide are trouble. Prop the roof up, drive the car out and jerk the prop out. Now they have to build the garage.

                  • #32147
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                      Bad news, your insurance company is owned by the Mayor of Hardy… roflmao

                      Yes, insurance companies are quick to collect your money or increase your premiums but when it comes to submit a claim, well, that's another story!

                    • #32153
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                        LOL… Yep..a little humor goes a long way !! I took off the punch and put the beat down on those SAFECO folks!  I also mentioned that I would be contacting the Department of Commerce and Insurance in the State. Seems that makes them shake a little more than a even a lawyer would.

                        They have finally authorized the limited destruction of the garage in order to free up my last car trapped…funny thing. My commercial auto for my car happens to be owned by the same parent company that my homeowners is so they end up not only screwing me over but themselves too!..neener


                        Now..my Travelors insurance company who had my BOAT (yes it got damaged too). They just said take some pictures send them in and we will estimate it and send you a check. Then take it to whoever you wish to fix it and if its more we will adjust for it.

                        WAY TO GO…TRAVELORS INSURANCE IS THE MAN hailking

                        But..SAFECO..can KISS MY kissass

                        CTOA - Founder

                      • #32156
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                          Sounds to me like it's time to…. CUE THE DUCK!   AFLAC!   roflmao

                          Seriously though Hal. Hope this all works out for ya. hailking

                          Insurance companies are quick to take your money. Just a invoice and a check involved. But when it comes to paying out, there is more paperwork, red tape, and BS involved, it seems like they are debating the national budget.  evil argue liar

                          By the way Hal….. exactly what is the definition of “limited destruction”? neener



                          People are hilarious...
                          I'm supposed to choose and be in one of the 2 parties. And NEITHER is worth a damn!

                        • #32164
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                            According to the insurance.. (Limited destruction) was the minimum work needed to clear the debris in order to free up the vehicle. However the insurance adjuster technically only said they could only Shore Up the walls of the structure in order to be able to bring it back to its original condition.


                            Then, they said the reason for the delay was they didn't want to DEMO the whole garage until the estimator had a chance to view it first! (I and they already had many many pictures)

                            The guys that where sent out where simply told…DO WHAT IT TAKES TO GET THE CAR OUT !!! and thankfully they did exactly that.

                            I guess the insurance didn't want to risk admitting any responsibility other then what they are only responsible for.


                            As for the Honda Pilot…I gotta say it was pretty strong being able to hold up the full roof on its own roof, with somewhat minimal damage considering. cool Next big storm I am getting into the Honda Pilot..forget the house.. wink

                            CTOA - Founder

                          • #32167
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                              LOL Hal….  roflmao

                              After what happened in Alabama you might be “piloting the pilot”. frown

                              I sincerely hope all our brethern on this board from that area are safe and okay.



                              People are hilarious...
                              I'm supposed to choose and be in one of the 2 parties. And NEITHER is worth a damn!

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