Kama tc254 electrical problem

Forum Forums Tractor Troubleshooting Kama tc254 electrical problem

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    • #30296
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        Just the other day while moving some dirt I smelled some smoke!  Did not think much about it till I shut her down (2004 Kama 254) and she would not turn over.  Fuses all good.  Removed shift lever and opened lower panel to access behind fuse box and found a slightly heat damaged wire with a broken eye on the end.  It broke off of a little black box (about 1.5″x1″) that is mounted directly behind the fuse box and uses one of the fuse box bolts to hold it in place.  Hooking up the broke wire causes sparks.  i opened up the black box and it appears to have a thermal strip that looks like when it heats up it will bend and open.  The only way to get the starter to turn and start the tractor is to hold the two wires from the box together but after starting if I dont release the wires from touching they get hot real quick.  The voltage on the wires goes from 12vdc when not running to 30vdc when running.  I traced the wires and one of them goes directly to the starter where the battery cable hooks in (this is the positive one) and the other goes to the ignition switch (the negitive one).  I suppose after I start the engine this box with the strip in it will heat up the strip and open that curcuit??  Any ideas what this box does and where I can get a replacement??  I called Mike at Artrac and he does not have a clue.  The internal strip in the box has fused itself together and the outside is melted beyond repair!!

      • #32276
        Bob Rooks
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          From what you describe it sounds like a thermal turn signal flasher, a circuit breaker, or, God forbid – a voltage regulator. There is no place in a 12 volt circuit for 30 volts, so I suspect the problem is with your voltage regulator. Apparently your alternator is doing just fine. Carefully inspect your wiring and wiring harnesses for chafing and ground-outs. Someone else may know exactly what the problem is.

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        • #32279
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            From your description a small light bulb lit up in my head.  I saw a device like that on some piece of equipment one time.  The glow plugs ran through this device.  As the glow plugs drew power the device would heat because of the amperage draw.  After it got so hot it would open and stop the glow plugs from heating.  I remember thinking that it was a very crude way of timing the heat up of the glow plugs…but what the heck it did work.  I have no idea if this is what you have or not.      

          • #32341
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              Whatever that black box is I havnt figured that out yet.  The pos. wire comes directly from the starter, which is a junction directly from the battery.  The other side reads to ground and that might be my problem.  It goes through the key switch and that is where I stopped my tracing.  I will start there tomorrow.  The 30 VDC could be a bad regulator and might have melted that run of wire.


              Now where to get a new regulator??  Where is it mounted on the tractor??  Just under the hood, just above the fuel tank, is a little black box with a light on it that glows red when the tractor is running.  Has 3 wires going to it.  Could that be the regulator/rectifier?? 

            • #32349
              Bob Rooks
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                Mstan wrote:

                “Just under the hood, just above the fuel tank, is a little black box with a light on it that glows red when the tractor is running.  Has 3 wires going to it.  Could that be the regulator/rectifier?? “


                Yes. That would be the voltage regulator.

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              • #47246
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                  This is Bennie. i have a ts254c and i have no wire going to my glow plugs. previous owner done something and there is no wire. Can you tell me where the wire starts and gets to the glow plugs.

                  I think it should come from switch to plugs, i do have a glow plug position on key switch.

                  Any help thanks


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