loosing antifreeze

Forum Forums Tractor Troubleshooting loosing antifreeze

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    • #30969
      Charles Leonard
        • Offline

        My tractor a 1994 2 cylinder 295T diesel 25 hp is loosing antifreeze but I don't see any in the oil , just wonder if the head gasket is blown or some other problem. with the radiator cap off it pumps out of top of the radiator and the overflow tube. I it is the head gasket do any of you dealers have or can order one for me. thank you, wayne1971

      • #37346
          • Offline

          That sounds like a head gasket and/ or a cracked head. You can change the gasket first if it's not too much and that may be it, or you could get the head magnafluxed  and checked with a machinist strait edge while it's off.

        • #37351
          Preson Reiva
            • Offline

            wayne…….I agree with tinbender. I would suggest to take the head off and visually inspect the gasket and head. If its burning coolant bad enough which it sounds like it is, you should be able to tell what cylinder or cylinders its burning out of. The top of the piston will be cleaner or whitish in color on top of the piston.  If you don't see anything out of the oridanary, then I would take it in and have the head  fluxed or depending on how many hrs are on it and looks bad maybe buy a whole new head if they still make them that is.

          • #37352
            Preson Reiva
              • Offline

              What tractors did that 2 cyl 295T come in if you dont mind me asking? Rino perhaps?hmmm

            • #37358
              Charles Leonard
                • Offline

                The 295T 2 cylinder  engine came in the Taishan 1991 that i have and also in a 1994 4×4 25 hp tractor that i have.                     wayne1971

              • #37359
                Charles Leonard
                  • Offline

                   Thanks Tinbender thats what i thought but i like to ask questions before  i try to fix something like this.                           Wayne1971

                • #37360
                  Charles Leonard
                    • Offline

                    Thanks pjr for the info. i will try this but at a little bit later , again thanks          Wayne1971

                  • #37362
                    Bob Rooks
                      • Offline

                      There is only three places coolant can leak to”

                      1) Engine / radiator exterior (visible).

                      2) Engine interior (oil sump).

                      3) Engine exhaust via combustion chamber.

                      Account deleted.

                    • #37363
                      Dan Madison
                        • Offline

                        Those engines have an o-ring on the cylinder sleeve that can laek also


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