Power Steering Pump Blowing Seals

Forum Forums Tractor Operation And Maintenance Power Steering Pump Blowing Seals

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    • #30727
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        I have a JINMA 354 tractor that keeps blowing the power steering seal. I have replaced the seal several times now and as soon as I turn the steering wheel, the seal blows and I end up with hydraulic fluid mixed with the engine oil.

        My tractor has both a pump for the hydraulics and a separate pump for the steering. I have replaced the power steering pump, the steering gear box and the power steering cylinder. Also to check for any blockage, I blew air through all the hoses in the steering system.

        I “Googled” the problem and found where someone had a similar problem and posted: “I simply dimpled or peened around the seal’s enclosure with a punch to tighten it up. It has not leaked since…”

        Am I missing any parts? I uploaded a few pics. Is there something I am missing? Any suggestions?

        Thanks in advance…


      • #35718
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          You have a restriction in your steering system somewhere that is causing it to build pressure when under load.  There should be a pressure relief valve somewhere in the system, probably in the steering motor would be my guess – check your manual and then check the relief valve.  You may want to install a pressure gauge in teh system so you can tell what pressure you are developing, too.  There's no other way to properly set the relief valve, and a gauge would tell you if the seal is blowing below a reasonable pressure, say 2300 psig. 

        • #35719
          Bob Rooks
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            All that Rich said.

            Is the seal turning itself inside out, that is, blowing the lip and spring to the outside? Is the seal being installed correctly? The hollow side goes toward the gears. Does the seal install easily in the housing? It should be press-fitted. The “red paint” on the outer part of the seal is supposed to act as a sealer/lubricant for installing. If it's a loose fit then some anaerobic sealant should be used such as Loctite.

            I would advise against “staking” (peening) it in as the other fellow suggested.

            Account deleted.

          • #35720
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              The steering pumps have a relief valve inside them, Its under one of the plugs.Also if it was a new pump, make sure its turning the correct direction, I have seen them come from the factory running both CW and CCW,



              Affordable Tractor Sales

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            • #35724
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                Problem Solved!

                Thank you everyone for your advice and recommendations.

                The problem was the pressure relief valve. I took the power steering pump apart and realized that the housing portion that holds the gears is reversible but in only one direction does the hydraulic fluid flow through the port into the pressure relief valve. I had it backwards so no fluid would flow into the valve, thus building up too much pressure and blowing the seal. I reassembled the pump correctly and now everything works fine.

                I don’t know if I assembled it wrong the first time I installed it or if it came out of the box that way. Anyway, all is good now. Thanks again…


              • #35725
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                  Glad you got it going Rick, I hope we helped you figure it out the problem



                  Affordable Tractor Sales

                  “Your Jinma Parts Superstore”


                • #35609
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                    Rick we carry all the parts for that tractor should you need anything in the future.




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