I have a Jimna 354. In subfreezing whether the left rear wheel locks up and will not rotate forward or backward. I put a heat gun on the axle near the wheel thinking water may have gotten into the lubricating fuel in the axle. The heat gun doesn't seem to work – at least when applied to this location. I do remember that even in the summer time I would sometimes have the wheel lock up to a lesser degree which I could release by backing up. Any suggestions?
Sounds like water has gotten into the brake drum and is freezing. Heat the wheel drum with your heat gun and check to make sure the weep hole is clear so the water can drain out.
you might want to look just to see,make sure the differential pedal is up,the neighbors came over saying his tractor did not turn very well he had used the lock and the pedal did not return. but this most likely not your issue.