Well it’s settled

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    • #30285
      Mike Sorrentino
        • Offline

        Again, I hate posting here.

        Well it’s all settled, I’m retiring  at the end of May because the latest CT scan
        shows a new tumor involving my colon. I don’t have all the details until I see
        the oncologist, but I’m looking at chemo and radiation treatments.  This summer is shot, I don’t expect to be
        feeling well with these treatments. Maybe by this fall I’ll be doing better.

        I don’t understand how the pathologist report could come
        back clean and now I have a new tumor?

      • #32172
        Bob Rooks
          • Offline

          Why do you dislike posting here Mike, we all like you. kissasshailking

          Mike wrote:

          I don’t understand how the pathologist report could come
          back clean and now I have a new tumor?

          I don't understand either. Doesn't seem right. readin

          Account deleted.

        • #32175
            • Offline

            Sorry to hear about your news…stay strong and our prayers are always with you.

            CTOA - Founder

          • #32179
            Mike Sorrentino
              • Offline

              Bob, it’s not the members that put me off. I let it be known
              from the very beginning that I did not like the new format. I remember in the survey
              that a large percentage disapproved, something like 30%.

              In the opening seines of Pop Eye he wants to buy spinach but
              the vegetable hawker try’s to push everything else on him. No sale.

            • #32196
                • Offline

                Well..we could be more optimistic and say we had 70% approve the new site! 🙂


                CTOA - Founder

              • #32197
                  • Offline

                  I have to admit I was one of those 30% who didn't like the new format.  However, after a few weeks of using it, I've come to like it and don't even remember the old format. 


                • #32198
                    • Offline

                    With access to the old forums and my Finally wrapping my brain around the photo uploading (I think it was a glitch at first because I'm not doing anything different and it's working hmmm ) I'm with Rich. Now that the forums are filled out the differences are minor, and overall bettercool

                  • #32208
                      • Offline

                      Well, that makes me feel better..because it truly is all of YOU that make the CTOA a cool place for its members to interact. cool

                      CTOA - Founder

                    • #32209
                      Carl Darnell
                        • Offline

                        I have become accustomed to the new site. When your on a site for years you get used to the way it is and when the site gets a radical face lift it throws you off for a while.   

                      • #32263
                          • Offline

                          It's like anything new.  Just takes a while to get used to.  No worse that an operating system upgrade.  Of course if you use Windows an upgrade is normally a downgrade roflmao

                        • #32264
                            • Offline

                            I just had to post one more time so I could make EXPERTneener

                            Wait..no expert I have been cheated.  Just kidding.

                          • #32267
                            Mike Sorrentino
                              • Offline

                              More bleak news, saw the oncologist, the tumor is in my
                              small intestine, radiation is off the table because it will cause more harm
                              than good, the only treatment is chemo, of all to chose from the best that can
                              be used in the small intestine for this type cancer is only 30% effective or 70%
                              useless. Looking at my track record, I don’t expect to be around more than two
                              years. The treatments will start soon, chemo by pump for 96 hours every two
                              weeks and a CT scan on week 12 to see the progress if any.

                              BTW, it took me an hour to find the right place to post,

                            • #32269
                                • Offline

                                Damn sorry to hear that Mike, and I wish you the very best possible outcome.


                              • #32270
                                  • Offline

                                  Hi Mike,

                                  Sorry to hear about the bad news.

                                  I don't know you personally however, some people have used the power of the mind to help them fight cancer (see link below). I don't know if it works but it surely worth taking a look at it.

                                  Cancer Power of the Mind

                                  Stay positive Mike, you never know!

                                • #32278
                                  Bob Rooks
                                    • Offline

                                    Friend of mine was diagnosed  with the same type of cancer. Been off work for about 1-1/2 years getting treatments including chemo. He was finally declared cancer free with his second test. He will be back to work in July.

                                    Account deleted.

                                  • #32309
                                      • Offline


                                      I have a friend who was diagnosed with colon cancer almost ten years ago.  The docs told him it was metastasized and not operable, and all they could do for him was  chemotherapy.  He has had chemo every six months or so since then and is doing fine to this day.   He always stresses that his positive attitude and the chemo treatments are what has kept him alive way past what the docs thought.   There's no reason you can't work toward the same sort of outcome.

                                    • #32311
                                      Mike Sorrentino
                                        • Offline

                                        Bob, Rich, your stories have a great outcome, but I think
                                        you may not have a full understanding of what I’m dealing with. Cancer is not something
                                        you find on a shelf at the super market. Not only is the location important,
                                        but  also the type. I have Squamous cell
                                        cancer which is associated with the worst skin cancer. Of all the drugs to
                                        treat Squamous cell, only a small number can be used for the small intestines
                                        and the best is 30% effective.  So, if
                                        your friends have the very same type, Squamous cell what you are saying is not going
                                        to help me.

                                        I have also contacted The Cancer Center of Americana, the
                                        one that advertises on TV, I opened a chat room dialog with the agent, explaining
                                        my case, she asked for my phone number to get back to me. Never called back,
                                        they must be embarrassed to tell me they have nothing in there bag of tricks to

                                        I also called Meals on Wheels not be cause I can’t afford
                                        the food, I have trouble cooking for myself because I get tired easily, I’m
                                        willing to pay for the service, no problem with $$$$. Again, no call back.

                                      • #32313
                                          • Offline

                                          You sound unfortunately pessimistic, Mike.  I can understand that, what with the latest diagnosis and the lack of response from organizations you have reached out to. 

                                          Even so, you might as well be calling them back repeatedly until you get a response as just sitting there doing nothing much.  Many areas of the country have cancer patient support groups that can be reached by checking with either the American Cancer Society or the hospitals.  Most of those local groups have members (or employees) who are dedicated patient advocates who are very effective at getting you what you need. 

                                          You're right that there are many more than just one type of cancer.  I've had a couple of squamous cell cancers removed from my hide and my brother had a melanoma removed a couple years ago.  Mom died of lung cancer.  I have to go get another CT scan of my lungs next week to determine if what set off my collapsed lung/pneumonia etc deal in November is lung cancer.  I'm not too happy about that, but I'll take it as it comes. 

                                          I don't know exactly what type/location of cancer my buddy Dave has, but I do know that initially they gave him about a 20% chance of surviving another six months – that was almost ten years ago.  Dave is a fighter and doesn't take no for an answer.  He's also one of the funniest guys I've ever known, in spite of having to go through chemo every few months, probably for the rest of his life. 

                                          You might want to talk to your doc about some treatment for depression.  Depression is a normal and common adjunct of both the actual cancer and also its treatment, but you don't have to succumb to it – there are plenty of effective treatments for depression these days and I really encourage you to look into them.   I wound up in the ICU pretty much dying for 12 days last November and when they finally sent me home I was still in real rough shape physically and it screwed with my attitude horribly.  The attitude problem ruined my sleep and killed my energy so I was generally useless and not getting any better.  After a month of that shit I finally went to my doc and he put me on some anti-depressants that made a huge difference in both my outlook and my energy levels.  I take them every day.  They've allowed me to carry on with my life instead of sitting around doing nothing and hating it.   I'm pretty sure I could be doing even better if I went and got my head candled for a few sessions, but I can't afford to fly to Florida every week to do it.  (No decent headshrinkers down here.)

                                          Anyway, I'm on your side and hope you get things going your way soon.  If I can help, let me know. 


                                        • #32331
                                          Mike Sorrentino
                                            • Offline

                                            Rich, hounding agencies for
                                            not resounding will only get me frustrated and angry, which I don’t need. The better
                                            way is to post on sites that show how bad they are and give them a black eye. When
                                            I see my new oncologist I’ll ask if his office can help contacting meals on
                                            wheels, the same goes for Sloan and other people with clout that will not take
                                            no for an answer.   

                                            BTW, AARP is another one that sucks, ripping off the elderly.

                                          • #32339
                                            Mike Sorrentino
                                              • Offline

                                              I’ve been felling bad the last few days, very weak, the last
                                              time I was out was this past Thursday for breakfast at the Pancake Plaice, French
                                              toast stuffed with cream cheese, topped with blue berries. Now it is a struggle
                                              to make breakfast, I spend most all day in bed, I order out for lunch and
                                              dinner. Answering the door is hard, very tired. My bag is do to be changed to

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