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That's some mighty nice grading work there Bob. I see your laser level over there in the corner. How did you use it? I've imagined putting up a little stick on each corner of the blade with a mark on it. Wouldn't be perfect but I guess it would keep you honest as you were back dragging.
I'm not an expert but did you check for scoring on the inside of the cylinder?
Ah HA there is one more detail. When I click on “Share” to get the link I have to click on “options” then check the box labeled “long link”. THEN and only then does it work.
Yeah the video is in full Hi-Def. You can lower the resolution on the player to speed the download a bit.
….and yeah Bert it was tough to watch for me. Especially when he started sliding sideways. I did learn a huge amount by watching him though. Some of his techniques confused me at first. After watching him do the same things over and over I slowly realized the reasoning. If I get his permission I'll show some clips of what I mean. Maybe when I get my Yuchai I can try them for myself. (on a much smaller scale!
I'll try one more time:
Hmm.. doesn't seem to work for me. anyone else see the video above?
Clicked on share on Youtube (basically just gives you the link)
then clicked on the filmstrip here and pasted the link there. All I see is a box with a letter F in a circle.
yes but that doesn't embed it like I've seen Bob do.
Ok, here is my very first attempt at video editing / YouTube posting / embedding video here…etc. I will post the rest if this works out. I want to get more explicit permission from the dozer driver first though. He said “ok” but I want to ask again just to make sure.
About this clip: Just a quick clip to make sure things are working. It was one of the many “pucker factor” moments we had this week. I told him this moment made me nervous and he just laughed. This guy had some serious skills and I'm really happy with the quality of the road he left us with.
ok…can't figure it out after 30 minutes of tinkering. It will have to wait.
Bob, you seem to be able to do it. How to you embed a YouTube vid?
Thanks for all the compliments guys. It's been our slave labor camp er…I mean vacation cabin ever since my dad's uncle homesteaded it back in the 20's.
@Bob: yeah some of those roads are old fire trails. It doesn't look like it now but everything in those pictures burned back in Sept. 2007. Here is what those same hills looked like then:Well, I'm off to go do the last bit of road work. Should be able to get great video of some side-hill work and of him pushing some mighty big rocks.
Ok, an update and a few pics. I will post a couple of highlight videos as soon as: a) I figure out how to edit and b) how to post to YouTube and c) how the heck to embed the video here.
First I want to say that Robinson and Morretti have been fantastic. These guys really know what they are doing and have left us with a very good road so far. I knew this was going to work out when we met them on a very narrow portion of the road and none of us could backup or get around. He said, “hang on a sec….I make a spot.”
First pic. We've been driving in and out everyday. It's nine miles of off road to get to the “job site”. Here is a pic of my morning commute:
This is a view of our property. Pretty much everything you see in this picture and a little more off to the right. Two things are often said of our little homestead: “It's all flat…just straight up and down” and “God had some rocks left over after making the earth. He put 'em here.” The road we are improving comes right down the back-bone of the middle ridge in the photo.
This picture just gives you an idea of what I mean when I say 'steep'. You can see the quality of the road he is leaving behind in the very bottom right hand corner of this image.
And this last pic shows the dozer starting down. He's clearing a little spot for a turn-out. We put in a switch-back when ever possible. Sadly it often wasn't possible. You can see bits and pieces of the old road going down the ridge. This part is all done now. We need another day or so to finish the bottom end of this where it gets really steep. We all had some good ideas. We'll just have to see which ones work out.
Videos to follow later. I got some nice high-def shots of the D6 at work.