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I think it covers it just fine, Hal! CTOA will be the envy of every other site now, I'm sure.
Thanks for finding that!
If you'd like some really husky little buzzers that will follow you a looooong ways after you get near their hive, just let me know, Leon. I'll send you some of the Africanized bees we have here in the Virgin Islands. I've had them chase me two hundred yards after I drove the tractor too close to their tree and annoyed them. They weren't chasing me to thank me for the wake-up call, either.
The local bee keepers seem to do fine with them, however. I just try to stay clear of them since I get tired of the poor little things sacrificing themselves to sting me. I had to have the bee man come out and re-locate one hive since those little dudes wouldn't let me do my mowing without zapping me a dozen or more times every time I drove by with the mower.
Bees are really amazing little critters, aren't they? Once I get the house built on the new property I may try to set up a hive or two, or get one of the local beekeepers to do it and split the honey.
After three decades in law enforcement I've seen hundreds of examples of this. Hey kids, wanna look older than you are? Just take up crack or speed – ages you ten years in ten weeks or less. You're right Bob, it is scary.
I've seen a couple of crackheads that managed to get (and stay) straight after years of abuse and they got their looks back, too. One of them went from an emaciated, acne-riddled, smelly street bum to a 220# maintenance worker who never misses a day of work – that was amazing. Before he got straight I wouldn't have given him a year to live and now he looks like the poster boy for good nutrition. It can be done.
Now see, that's what I call a truly responsive webmaster! You're my hero, Hal!
Hmmmmm…how come there's no little smiley-thing for ass-kissing? Someone should work on that.
I agree with you Larry, Hal is pretty generous to host and run this site for all of us. (where's that smiley-pucker?)
I think you're missing something here. Leon. I've watched the interchanges between David and Hal since the site was changed and I have to say that I respect Hal's position. He determined that changes were necessary to keep CTOA functioning well and he has undertaken to effect those changes. That is his prerogative as the site owner and webmaster. During the course of the changes Hal has solicited, and listened to, comments from the users. There are those who don't like the new format and those who do. Form the most part, those who dislike the new format have been civil in the expressions of their discontent. The only real exception I've noticed has been David.
David's comment's, while purported to be helpful, have been couched in language that comes across to me, (and evidently to Hal as well) as snide, condescending and demeaning. Please note that I'm NOT saying that that is David's intent – only David knows what his intent is. I'm just saying that the way I read it, the language he has used comes across that way. Unfortunately, an internet forum is a rather two-dimensional medium. We don't get to see facial expressions (emoticons don't count) or body language and we can' t hear the tone of voice. It is, therefore, all too easy to misinterpret what someone has said. What is intended as a wry comment meant to amuse may very well be interpreted as a snotty jibe intended to cause offense.
There are so many possible pitfalls in this medium that it is surprising it works as well as it does. Posting in all caps, as you just did,is generally accepted to be the keyboard equivalent of shouting aggressively. Is that what you intended? Perhaps, or perhaps not. I'd have to go back and look at your past postings to make that determination and then I might still be wrong. Could be the caps lock key got hit and you just decided to leave it that way.
Most of us on this forum are, I would venture to guess, middle-aged or beyond. With age comes increasing resistance to change – that's normal. The internet, though, is young and constantly changing. Websites have to adapt to those changes or they collapse. Hal is trying to stay ahead of that problem. I think we need to bear with him on this and take some time to get accustomed to the new format. Whinging about it won't help and criticizing him certainly won' t make his job any easier. Giving respectful input, requests, suggestions, or *constructive* criticism is valuable – criticizing Hal as a person or calling him incompetent is a distraction and a waste of his time, particularly when he is doing this a non-profit service to all of us.
That's my take on it; your mileage may, as they say, vary considerably.
Rich Waugh
Sometimes even cutting from the other side doesn't help much. I used to own property in northern Arizona and had some scrub cedar on it I wanted to cut for firewood. The very first cut took out the chain. Threw a roostertail of sparks! That stuff was almost as tough as the petrified wood that was also all over the property. The only way to cut it was with a carbide blade in a circular saw. I gave up on the firewood notion pretty darn quick.
Looks like a good idea to me. When I get busy mowing or doing other chores with the tractor I can get forgetful about checking the gauges frequently enough. I'll have to try to find one of those, thanks!.
5 minutes later: Found one on Ebay for under $20 with free shipping. Cheap insurance!
I've heard of others who have installed flow restrictors in the lines to slow down the response. I believe Bob Rooks has done this and may have some guidance to offer. My recollection is that a copper disc with a 1/16″ hole was used on the swing cylinder fittings to slow them down, but I could be mistaken.
You can buy adjustable flow restrictors at hydraulic supply places, but finding them to mate up to a Chinese hydraulic fitting could get iffy.
Thanks Hal, good work!