Forum Replies Created
OK. Reading the forum further, I can tell the clutch does need adjusting. Was anyone able to locate the clutch adjusting instruction?
Thanks again for the replies.
The double nut makes since. I should be able to remove the longer studs with a short wrench wedged against the rim, or maybe if I bump the lug with an impact.
Thank you for the response. Each of the rear wheels have two wheel studs which are longer than the others. The extend an inch and a half or so past the other four studs. Is this normal? If so, do these have also have the grooved serations?
Thank you for the reply. Do you know if the float can be enabled and disabled?
Bob, thanks again. The tractor in the video appears to have his 3ph lower (based on the angle of the stabilizers) than what I probably used. I'll be sure to try it at a lower position.
Thanks for the reply. Hopefully my next project will be easier on my little rig. Kind of doubt it since I'll be putting a new culvert under a packed gravel road. Maybe I'll go a little easier and just clean out some drainage ditches. It all needs doing
Thank you for the response. I figured maybe the machine was just too small for the job. I can tolerate the tractor moving, just not when its moving towards an embankment. I think I understand your response. But to be sure, what does “float the boom” mean? Is it lifting the boom while curling?
Thanks again for the advice.