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if you have a gm diesel be careful I hear they are bad about breaking off and if that happens it is off with the heads. and to do that the cab will have to be removed. that is just stupid! ford is that way on other parts. engineers should have to fix this stuff!
January 22, 2019 at 11:30 am in reply to: 2008 Ranch Hand 4452 dal shuttle shift needs adjusting #48542on my foton that turns on the rear work lights but that’s close to doing the same thing
I would say you got your starting issues well under control with the tractor, time to work on the truck something is not right with that much time on a heater and a no start
yeah all this guessing, it sure would be nice if the Chinese would come up with a well translated shop manual, it is a good thing these are as simple as they are, to keep the guessing to a minimum.
I had the meter on auto adjust and for it to read to hundredths of a A/C volt . And the voltage did increase as the rpm went up BUT the voltage I read was about 3/4 of a volt on the bottom end and 1-1/4 on the top end BUT I suspect that might be normal as I was reading right off the pick up plug.
the pick up was pulsing a/c current so I ordered a new gauge cluster from Asian Tractor Parts they are in Ontario Can. ($230.00 plus shipping) It is the first time I have used them ,so we shall see how it goes they were less expensive by 150 bucks from whoever sundown eq. found had the part ($381.25) plus shipping OUCH the difference buys a lot of beer, YEA!
thanks Bob it makes sense it would be a A/C generator I was shocked (no pun) to see the voltage amounts it makes. It shows the gauges being in place while testing I will try without hopefully I will see something without the gauge load.
it would have to be something like that but I would think you could feel and hear it. maybe there is a interference part that you can not see that is wearing the fingers. looks like a splitting is in your future before you tear up things
January 7, 2019 at 10:29 am in reply to: 2008 Ranch Hand 4452 dal shuttle shift needs adjusting #48490on my 2006 50 hp foton it is the horn
January 5, 2019 at 1:47 pm in reply to: 3 Point float and slop makes for difficult Backhoe work #48477the lift arms are gravity down so I GUESS you would have to come off the tractor frame with something ridged to connect to the arms. some sort of safety would need to be added so if activated lift hydros would not be damaged. I guess that when you are compacting with the bucket it pushes the arms up?