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I certainly hope unreasonable pc has not come to this site,cause I have no idea what brought that on with the postings,just sayin
I assume you got all the caps back on pointing in the same direction as they came off. and maybe a different oil pump will make adjusting the oil pressure relief valve necessary.but now thinking was the engine run with low oil or no oil maybe you need to plasticgauge the bearings.
sorry it took a while but here is the info it is called kopr-shield conductive anti corrosion surface compound type cp8-tb thomas&betts memphis,tn.
I will use this stuff on any mixed metal regardless if it has power running thru it or not with no bad results ever.
not to beat this dying horse but I looked at the bottle I have and it says it is conductive it is even copper colored not that it means anything. it is what I have always used on electrical joints with dissimilar metals
back to the electrical grease I like it because you can coat the post and terminal before you place on the terminal on the post since it is conductive you will not add non conductive stuff into the sqeeze type battery terminal ,but that is just me fillin in the voids
fyi if you know a electrician ask them for the no oxide conductive grease they use on alum. wire in large connections like meter bases, panels or great and gives you a never sieze properties also.
I have been using group 31 in my 50 hp foton and the 20 hp dong feng and 92 hp jcb
I sense a bit of temperal jealousy.but may be you should not worrying about getting that copper washer out.the ones that came out make sure that they fit correctly on the new glow plugs,yes it would be best to put in new ones,but if you torque it properly you should be able to reuse the one vs. tearing who know what trying to get it out. remember never sieze
I know they are new but it might be a good idea to test them first before installation.I remember reading a while back that people have had several bad ones out of the box.
I do not have that model I have a 2006 ft504a .It has been good tractor about 500 hrs ,but as said maint. is important to expected life.