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well the overhead valve wear thing is a good thought since straight 30 wt oil is getting a little harder to find by the gal. maybe 15/40 will get put in the ohv's that I have afterall lawnmowers operate in very dusty conditions some extra antiwear propertys can not hurt.
ok with that in mind why did the chinese tag a 3 hp gas engine with 15/40 oil requirements on that genrerator and other manfs do not require it? I am puzzled.I am sure 15/40 is a better oil with that in mind why do these other manfs. do not put that in the instruction as what to use? is it to good?extends the life maybe to much?am I getting to deep?
well what I ment was the differences in the additives between 15/40 ch and 10/30 sj . off the top someones head,no big deal.
Make sure that you are using the correct pressure cap,I think around 5 psi,the radiators are thin and to much pressure could be a factor in that it split,if you do have it reworked I would have it redone with more cooling capacity,since others have said that they are on the marginal side.
write notes take pictures you can not get any cheaper references than that.and good luck ,I did not like the sticking part.
something like that is now going on in egypt,go figure
well he said from the get go he was going to change america,but as all things, these to shall pass.( and nun to soon)
yea I just seen in oregon a used 12 in toothed bucket for 650 but I am in tn.soooo we aint doing that
man oh man if I could buy a 12 to 15 inch bucket for $200.00, for my jcb 214 .I would not fool around with cuttung and welding thats for sure. And I would really like a smooth bucket for trenching and working in close areas around known objects.
harbor freight has a cheap inspection camera you might want to consider to look thru the injector holes to see the cylinder walls or do it the old fashion way and pull the head to see whats there,good luck