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  • in reply to: Converting KG-M to FT-LBS #31150
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      I can't find a way to upload  to this new server from my computer. Matter of fact, I can't even find a hyperlink feature. So instead, here's a link…..r-windows/ . Great little utility, I've been using in on both my computers for years.



      in reply to: Alternator #31149
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        I wouldn't hold out much hope for reviving a 20 years old alternator. But you might have trouble finding an aftermarket 3 wire that fits. If you know how to convert to an aftermarket 1-wire, ok. If not, you might want to stick with an OE replacement. Chip Uren at ARTRAC (Clarksville, AR) should be able to fix you right up. Good chance your 304 has the same size as my TS354Cwas; I'm thinking in the 25-30 amp range.


        in reply to: Diesel bug #31117
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          Being involved with Chinese tractors forums as long as you have, I'm very surprised you never saw this being discussed before. The phrase “diesel bugs” is a colloqualism for actual microbes and bacteria that very commonly contaminate diesel fuel and similar petroleum products (kerosene, jet fuel, etc). They can't live in clean fuel, they can't live in water. But when water gets into a fuel tank, that's when you've become vulnerable. They live/eat/shit/die in the layer between the water and the fuel. As the fuel level drops, their residue coats the exposed insides of the tank. Carcasses and excrement sink to the bottom as sludge. That's what plugs up the filters – and injectors if it actually gets to that point.

          Of 5 previous diesel tractors, only one was ever afflicted. Caught it quick enough to where there was no tractor downtime. After that, I made it a point to keep the fuel tank full when the tractor was idle. Condensation can't occur in a full tank, condensation makes water. Water breeds diesel bugs. No water, no diesel bugs (unless you're unfortunate to buy fuel from an infected fueling station).



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