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  • in reply to: Oil from bell housing/engine connection #49920
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      No picture came through.

      Is the back of the engine wet with oil above the bell housing?

      If not, you might be looking at splitting the tractor to fix.

      Might help if you told us the make, model and year of the tractor. Without that info, everything is just a wild a** guess

      in reply to: Jinma 404 Fuel shut off valve / switch trouble #49916
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        I think you probably found your problem with the dry governor. Hopefully the parts inside are all OK and it just needed lube.

        I change my governor oil at every engine oil change, it uses the same oil and only takes a few ounces. I also have a short piece of clear hose with a plug in it on the overflow nipple. That way I can monitor if it is overflowing or not. My IP leaks a little fuel into the governor and it will dilute the oil over time. This seems dependent on what I am doing, idling is the worst, full throttle working hard the level stays constant.

        Take a look at page 40 of the first document on this page: http://www.harnerfarm.net/Jinma/Jinma284.html  Feel free to download and keep any  of the documents, I posted them for others to use, I didn’t create them, just passing them along.

        in reply to: Jinma 404 Fuel shut off valve / switch trouble #49907
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          Not knowing your exact injection pump, my best guess is that the lever is on a shaft that turns and is probably held on with a set screw, although it may have a flat on the shaft. Is there any chance that the lever is loose on the shaft? That might explain why it would not shut off properly.

          If the lever is secure on the shaft about the only other thing I can think of is a problem inside the injection pump. I think the cut off lever actuates what is called the rack. The rack is used inside to meter fuel flow according to the throttle setting and the input from the governor. The cut off lever just keeps moving the rack until it has shut down the fuel flow to nothing.

          I imagine that if the governor was holding the rack full open it might be possible that the cut off is not engaging the rack as to pull it back. This may be a governor problem or a problem with the rack/cut off connection.

          When was the last time you changed the oil in the governor? If it is like the pump on my Y385 engine you can take the cover off and get a look at the governor inside. There should be some steel balls in there that should be in a slot like setup, If they are rusty or worn, that could be a problem.

          In an emergency run-away situation you should always go for cutting off the airflow first because as David says, it can run a long time on fuel left in the hoses and filters.  I know professional mechanics that always have a small piece of plywood available and easy access to the air intake opening any time they are starting a new or rebuild engine for the first time or any time they are starting an engine the first time after work on the injection pump. I even know a couple of them that had to use the plywood on some very large and expensive engines to stop a run away.

          On your tractor, is the problem repeatable above 1900 RPM? or was it just a one time thing? If repeatable, I would have a look inside the governor housing for anything obvious then refill with new oil and test again. If still happening, I think it is time to take the IP to a shop for proper diagnosis.

          I wish I had more experience with this sort of thing, but I am kind of glad I don’t….

          Let us know what you find.

          in reply to: Jinma 404 Fuel shut off valve / switch trouble #49902
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            does your tractor use a manual shut off lever at the injection pump or does it have an electric solenoid?

            in reply to: Replace Jinma 204 Y385 Glow Pkugs #49877
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              Pretty straight forward as long as you don’t have any problems.

              Remove the buss bar and unscrew the old plug, screw in a new one and replace the buss bar.

              When I did mine the #3 cylinder plug was stuck in the hole. Unscrewing it just jacked the plug apart. I got the outer housing in the socket and the electrode was stuck in the head. Barely enough of the core to get a pair of needle nose vise grips on it. Used all kinds of penetrating fluid concoctions for several days and was only able to bust it loose enough to rotate about 10 degrees back and forth. Tried heat and all the other stuck stud tricks I knew of.

              Then it dawned on me that the problem was carbon buildup and a stuck copper seal. The only thing that I had on hand to attack those two things at the same time was gun barrel cleaning solution. Picked the most powerful one I had and let is soak for a couple of days and was able to work it loose.

              Best advice is go easy and be patient.

              Good luck

              in reply to: Shuttle shift #49873
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                You might try asking over on the tractorybynet.com forums.

                I don’t have any information on a shuttle shift tractor and not many people monitor this site anymore.

                in reply to: YangDong 380: heavy diesel leak from Injector pump. #49849
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                  Yes, when it fails.

                  On mine the lift pump was actuated by a push rod that runs on a cam  inside the injection pump. The only seal between the IP pump and the fuel in the lift pump was a small o-ring. O-rings work pretty good in a static situation but are not so good in a sliding application like this one. After replacing the o-ring several times I got tired of the whole mess and just replaced the lift pump with an electric one. It was easy enough to make a cover plate and gasket to seal the IP crankcase.

                  I also found out that the banjo bolt fittings in the fuel line have a nice barbed nipple on the inside. Just cut the compression sleeve off and pull it out. Then it can be installed on a new fuel hose with a regular worm screw clamp. Wired the electric pump to a “hot when on” location and it has worked fine for several years.

                  To monitor the situation I made a little collection bottle from a clear pop bottle and connected it to the nipple on the overflow vent. As hours have built on the engine it has slowly developed a leak in the IP internally and is still getting fuel in the oil. Since it only takes 4 ounces or so, it is pretty easy to just change the IP sump oil more often. I am coming up on 900 hours on a tractor that was new in 2007 and have to change oil in the IP about every 25 hours.

                  Eventually the IP will need to be rebuilt or replaced, an expense I am not looking forward to, so frequent oil changes are the order of the day for now… Maybe I should replace the drain plug with a valve just to make it easier.

                  in reply to: YangDong 380: heavy diesel leak from Injector pump. #49847
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                    That is the crankcase/governor sump vent/overflow port.

                    I would start by completely draining and refilling the pump with fresh engine oil and monitor the overflow port to see if it is still overflowing. When the lift pump (the black housing above and to the right of your arrow) it will leak fuel into the pump crankcase and overflow it. It also dilutes the oil and can cause premature wear.

                    Take a look at this document starting on page 40 for more information on this.


                    Feel free to download a copy of this manual for your own use.

                    in reply to: Nortrac 254, Left Power lift leaking fluid… #49834
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                      Please clarify:

                      By PS fluid do you mean hydraulic fluid?

                      What do you mean my left hydraulic lifter? Are you referring to a front end loader cylinder?

                      Or are you talking about the power steering hydraulic cylinder?

                      Where did you drain the fluid from?

                      What does the left hydraulic fork attach to?

                      I’m sure we can figure this out if we can define exactly what you are working on. Can you post a picture?

                      Jinma parts can be had at Affordable Tractors, Circle G Tractors and Keno Tractors, just to mention a few.

                      in reply to: tumbling fuel tank #49830
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                        I like to use a length of chain. Easy to remove when done.

                        Some people use nuts and bolts for the same reason.

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