Robert Throm

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  • in reply to: decals power track 450 LT #46230
    Robert Throm
      • Offline

      thanks i figured as much, i tend to get ahead of myself sometimes, need to do a lot before i paint

      in reply to: new to forums, need help tightning TRACKS #38021
      Robert Throm
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        Move at all, so either the spring seat,8 is Turning or the adjusting rod is broken. Appears ill have to pull the whole thing to take a look. I will keep you informed and tRy to remeber to take pictures so maybe we can collect enOugh pictures as a group to make a better repair manual.

        in reply to: new to forums, need help tightning TRACKS #38020
        Robert Throm
          • Offline

          Yup thats it. Bolt number 7 appears to have broken off deep in the housing. I soaked everthing in penetrating oil and with a long pipe on a 24 inch wrench i was able to turn the adjusting bolt 3, it doest

          in reply to: new to forums, need help tightning TRACKS #38002
          Robert Throm
            • Offline

            No grease fitting, i cant see any threads on the adjusting rod but i only have about an inch before the idler wheel bracket is at the end of its run. When i removed the bolt above the Adjusting rod seat ( spring seat) it apeears to be broken off deep in the housing would that matter?

            in reply to: new to forums, need help tightning TRACKS #37999
            Robert Throm
              • Offline

              Thanks so much bob
              when i try and turn the Adjusting screw i can get about an 1/8 rotation but the end that goes into the cylinder moves horizontally a little bit, i think the adjusting screw/yoke may be broken or maybe Totally unscrewd from the cylinder. I will try penetranting oil before i pull the cylinder.
              If i do have to remove the cylinder can i saFely take it apart or will the springs make it impossible for the novice to put back together?

            Viewing 5 posts - 1 through 5 (of 5 total)